Crown Financial Ministries - Journey To Financial Freedom - January 10, 2009

Crown Financial Ministries - Journey To Financial Freedom

January 10, 2009 from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Join The PATH for this seminar entitled Journey to True Financial Freedom. Topics include:
- Fundamental, Biblical principles of managing resources, saving, debt and setting priorities.
- Societal pressures that result in decisions which prevent you from experiencing God's best for your life.
- God's nature and how He uses money in your life to lead you to financial freedom.
- Practical steps to establish a plan to properly manage resources.
- Three areas that cause the most problems for the American family and how to successfully manage each one.
- Practical steps to avoid or eliminate debt.
- A scripturally balanced approach to giving in all areas of your life.
- How to take the information learned and make it an ongoing part of your life.
Pre-registration is required for all Crown seminars ($25 per person). Register early to guarantee your reservation. Bring your Bible, pen or pencil, and an open heart.

Grace United Methodist Church
Family Life Center
104 S. High St.
Waverly, OH
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