What is the difference between Cedarville’s MDiv and MMin degrees?
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Master of Ministry (MMin) programs both contain a Bible and theology core with practical ministry training. The primary differences between the two degrees are the lengths of programs and teaching format. The MMin degree is 38 hours, and the MDiv degree is 60-79 hours, depending on previous coursework. The additional hours in the MDiv program provides space to include the study of the Bible in Greek and Hebrew, while the MMin does not have language requirements. The MMin can be taken online, in-person, or a combination of the two, while the MDiv is a residential program.
Cedarville also offers a Master of Arts in Biblical Leadership and Master of Arts in Worship and Theology, which offer focused ministry training.
Can I work full time while getting my MMin?
Yes, the accessible format of delivery allows students to engage the coursework when it is most convenient for them. Most of our students continue in their current jobs while completing the degree program.
What real-world experience can I expect from the MMin?
The MMin has real-world experience built into the program. The capstone of the program is a six-hour ministry internship, in which students bring the knowledge and skills developed throughout the program to a real-world ministry setting.
Why should I get my MMin from Cedarville instead of a seminary?
Cedarville University has unwavering doctrinal convictions, a well-designed program, and highly engaged faculty. When we say that Cedarville exists “for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ,” that is not a tagline — that is the heartbeat and mission of the University. Flowing from our commitment to the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ is the commitment to help train ministry leaders, and we have designed the MMin carefully to ensure that it provides high-quality, accessible training. Our faculty members are personally committed to this endeavor, so they are very engaged with students both inside and outside of learning environments.
Will Cedarville find me an internship or will I need to find one on my own?
Many of our Master of Ministry students are already serving in ministries, so many of them choose to complete their internship in a focused way in an existing ministry. Cedarville University students are highly desired by ministry sites and employers, so locating an internship site has never been a problem.