One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Alumni Business Directory

Welcome to the Cedarville University Alumni Directory! This directory is intended to provide information to the alumni and other members of the Cedarville University community who are seeking certain products or services, and who wish to consider doing business with a Cedarville University graduate.

The Office of Alumni Engagement invites all alumni-owned small businesses and services to submit their information on this website.

Would you like to be added to the Cedarville University Alumni Business Directory? Fill out the form and give us 2-5 days before your listing is active.

Inclusion in this directory should not be considered an endorsement by Cedarville University or the Cedarville Alumni Association. Cedarville University is not providing financial support or services to these businesses. The use of the Cedarville name and/or registered trademarks by businesses is generally prohibited. Also, please note that the Cedarville University logo and other Cedarville registered trademarks may not be used by external companies without permission.