Smith Lends Expertise on Super Tuesday

by Mark D. Weinstein, Executive Director of Public Relations – March 2, 2016

Dr. Mark Caleb Smith spent Super Tuesday as a guest analyst for several media outlets.

For many political experts or pundits, it is called "the super bowl of the political world." The presidential campaign as it winds toward Super Tuesday can create as much excitement for the political junkies as watching the Super Bowl is to NFL fans, advertising executives, or the neighbor next door.

There's always a lot of debate and spirited conversations, numbers crunching and political insight to be learned during this part of the campaign. And, because the conventional wisdom says the winner of the Super Tuesday contests will be the eventual presidential nominee in both parties, a laser-like focus has become part of the campaign fabric.

Tuesday was no exception for Dr. Mark Caleb Smith, director of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville University. Smith, recognized by Ohio media as the expert on constitutional law and presidential politics, spent the evening in newsrooms throughout Dayton discussing the Trump phenomenon and whether any of the GOP candidates can catch the billionaire front runner.

Smith believes it will take a huge effort to turn Trump's momentum around. But in this unbelievable campaign season, anything is possible.