Nurse Practitioner Students Benefit from Spring Enrichment

by Lauren McGuire, Student Public Relations Writer – February 13, 2020

Student examining patient

Family Nurse Practitioner and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner students receive training in medical procedures.

Nursing student and preceptorFamily Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) students from Cedarville University Master of Science in Nursing program will learn suturing and other common medical procedures during a spring enrichment workshop on February 13 and 14, held in the Health Sciences Center at Cedarville University.

Brenda Young and Beverly Metze from Interactive Minor Procedure and Competency Training (IMPACT) will conduct the suturing workshop. The integration of this workshop into the Nurse Practitioner curriculum was initiated by Cliff Fawcett, coordinator of Cedarville’s family nurse practitioner focus area and an assistant professor of nursing.

— Kim Higginbotham

During the suture clinic on February 13, students will learn minor laceration care, including suturing, incision and drainage of skin abscesses; foreign body removal; and corneal abrasion and fluorescein examination.

“This workshop adds value to the education of our nurse practitioner students and will equip the students with an important skill to meet the primary care needs of the patients they will serve,” Dr. Kim Higginbotham, assistant dean of graduate programs, said.

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,380 undergraduate, graduate and online students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, including the Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner program, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and high student engagement ranking. For more information about the University, visit