Retreat Shares Purity Message with Youth

by Nicole Hackett, Student Public Relations Writer – February 14, 2020

Sanctify student ministry

"Radiant" is the theme for the Sanctify student organization event.

Sanctify, a Cedarville University student-led organization, will partner with Village Chapel Church in Ashville, Ohio, to present the fourth annual Awaken Retreat for middle and high school girls on February 21-22.

“Sanctify’s main audience during the year is female college students,” said Abby Kebbel, president of Sanctify and a senior early childhood education major from Cleveland, Ohio. “It is sweet to do something completely different and to be able to reach out to girls and love them as Jesus does.”

This year’s theme is “Radiant,” based on the book written by Priscilla Shirer for teenage girls. Using this book, each girl will receive a word they can cling to regarding their new identity in Christ that is based on past sin struggles.

— Abby Kebbel

Sanctify’s team of 21 female students will help with the worship, activities and breakout sessions on relationships, beauty and modesty. The main speakers of the retreat will also be from Sanctify, and four Sanctify members will share their testimonies.

Madeline Stouffer, vice president for Sanctify and a junior majoring in childhood education from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, will be the first main speaker of the retreat.

Last year, Stouffer’s testimony proved to be a pivotal moment for several who attended, including one girl who made a profession of faith in Jesus.

”It was very cool to see the full circle,” said Stoffer. “I was so nervous about giving my testimony, but I knew if my sin struggle and past could encourage even just one person, then it was worth it. So it was a very sweet gift of God to let me see a girl’s life changed by my own brokenness.”

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,380 undergraduate, graduate and online students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and high student engagement ranking. For more information about the University, visit