Cedarville Stories Podcast: Future Law Enforcement Leader

by Clem Boyd, Communication Content Manager – July 14, 2021

Don’t be surprised if you see the Cedarville Stories podcast 100th guest as a county sheriff or FBI agent one day.

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Don’t be surprised if you see the Cedarville Stories podcast 100th guest as a county sheriff or FBI agent one day. Without a doubt, Will Geist will serve the public with integrity and distinction someday as a law enforcement professional.  

Will, whose dad Alan was the long-time athletic director at Cedarville, originally thought he would enjoy a career as an airline pilot. But when a third-grade teacher asked him to guard the stage during indoor recess one day, he suddenly realized he enjoyed enforcing the law to make sure everyone was safe. A future in law enforcement was dawning in his heart.

As part of Cedarville’s criminal justice program, Will has learned from one of the premier law enforcement leaders in the country, Dr. Patrick Oliver, director of the program and former police chief for the city of Cleveland, Ohio.

Will hopes to become part of the inaugural cohort in the College to Law Enforcement Pathway Program, which Cedarville along with Central State University will be piloting for the next two years. This program will connect him to a professional mentor while streamlining the process for entry in the field after graduation.

While Will looks forward to fulfilling a calling in law enforcement, he knows that his greatest calling is as a child of God, and he longs to reflect the integrity and care of his heavenly Father in his career and community.

“The Gospel needs to be at the center of everything we do,” he shared during the podcast. “By God’s grace, I’m learning how to do that. I hope to continue to learn how to live for the Lord.”  

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More to the Story 

The goal of the College to Law Enforcement Pathway Program is to develop a pool of prequalified college-educated law enforcement applicants mentored by leaders in the field.