All Grown Up: A Cedarville Graduate’s Dream Job at Google

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations – May 13, 2024

As he joins the staff at Google's headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he will collaborate with leading scientists and technicians, Joshua Thomas is steadfast in his belief that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. He aims to build bridges with individuals who may harbor doubts about faith and Christianity, using his own life as a testament to their compatibility.

What do you want to be when you grow up? For Joshua Thomas, a senior at Cedarville University, his answer was an engineer.   

His dream will become a reality on August 12, 2024, when he begins his career as a software engineer at Google.   

Thomas, from Flint, Michigan, grew up in a home where he was surrounded by science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), because his parents worked in these fields. As a child, his free time often involved robotics and learning how to build new things. These experiences and his love of technology and programming led him to study computer science at Cedarville.   

During his time at Cedarville University, Thomas received guidance and mentorship from professors who instilled in him the importance of maintaining high standards and adopting a humble, lifelong learning mindset. These invaluable qualities equipped him for prestigious summer internships with both Amazon and Google. 

When someone opens their phone, they use programs that I have developed in my time at Amazon and Google,” recalled Thomas, “and to have that impact as a Christian makes the hard work worth it.”   

Through his experiences during these internships, he discovered not only his ability to create advanced technological tools for data extraction and innovative applications for smartphones but also his unique position to foster meaningful relationships for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom. 

“I have the unique opportunity to share my faith with co-workers who value logic and reason,” said Thomas. “They can see in my work that I am logical and that my faith does not serve as a contradiction. This leads to conversations that can have eternal impact.”    

As he joins the staff at Google's headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he will collaborate with leading scientists and technicians, Thomas is steadfast in his belief that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. He aims to build bridges with individuals who may harbor doubts about faith and Christianity, using his own life as a testament to their compatibility. 

Discover more about Thomas and his journey to Google by listening to his interview with Cedarville University’s executive director of public relations, Mark D. Weinstein, on the Cedarville Stories Podcast