Cedarville University Professor Receives Patent

by Ella Smith, Student Public Relations Writer – May 21, 2024

After years of strategically working on a method to protect intellectual property, Dr. Kary Oberbrunner, Berry chair of entrepreneurship at Cedarville University, received a patent for his Easy IP invention.

After years of strategically working on a method to protect intellectual property, Dr. Kary Oberbrunner, Berry chair of entrepreneurship at Cedarville University, received a patent for his Easy IP invention.  

Oberbrunner originally filed the patent in 2022, working with Caldwell Intellectual Property Law — the fastest-growing IP law firm in America the past three years. Last month, Oberbrunner was notified his request was approved.  

Our team has worked a long time for this patent,” said Oberbrunner. “It’s amazing to finally receive it from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.” 

Easy IP allows entrepreneurs, artists and creatives to protect their ideas by leveraging blockchain technology. Easy IP turns the idea into a smart contract, timestamping the new digital asset. This event establishes a first use event, which is visible on any device worldwide. Although everyone can see the smart contract, no one can edit it, not even the owner. This makes the new idea immutable.   

The new patent has led to many new speaking opportunities for Oberbrunner, who recently was a keynote speaker on Easy IP at the Relate, Innovate, Impact conference in Washington, North Carolina. In May, Oberbrunner will speak at the London Conference to over 12,000 attendees.  

In October 2024, he’ll release his new book “Easy IP” with co-author Katherine Rubino, a partner at Caldwell.  

“I consider it a huge blessing to represent Cedarville at this international event,” said Oberbrunner. “These opportunities help me offer more value to my entrepreneur and marketing students. I’m still in the game, just like them, and I can teach with empathy, knowing the highs and lows of pitching and presenting new ideas and solutions to problems.”  

Oberbrunner is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author and has authored 13 other books. He is also the CEO of Igniting Souls and Blockchain Life.