Kinematics Laboratory Problem
Create a film advancing mechanism for a movie camera. This mechanism must possess a hook which engages a slot, advances the slot through 10 mm of near-straight-line motion (as the crank rotates 100 degrees), stops, disengages the slot, and proceeds to reach for another slot as the crank continues to turn.
Bear in mind that each dash in the coupler curve represents 5 degrees of input crank motion (as does each gap). Also, when the coupler point reaches a cusp, its motion stops for an instant.
Keep a log of each link combination you have tried. When you arrive at a final design, print it from the web atlas. Input the mechanism parameters into a software package such as Fourbar and print out the mechanism and coupler curve in order to confirm its shape.
Return to Four-bar Coupler Curve and Centrode Atlas main page.
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Dr. Thomas Thompson | School of Engineering and Computer Science