One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

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Senior Class Chapel - 1/17/2025 — 1/17/2025 10:00 AM

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Senior Class. Class Chaplain Fletcher Colgan urges us to be willing to endure affliction for the sake of the spread of The Gospel to all nations. His text is 2 Corinthians 4:7-18.


In today’s chapel service, Senior Class Chaplain Fletcher Colgan led the student body through an insightful and convicting sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, focusing on the true nature of the Gospel and how it challenges our worldly notions of success, comfort, and strength. In a city like Corinth, where self-boasting and pagan ideals were the norms, Paul’s ministry was often viewed with skepticism. Fletcher’s message invited us to examine whether our own faith is shaped by the cross of Christ or by the ideals of the culture around us.

The city of Corinth was notorious for its indulgent pagan culture. Many there saw Paul’s apostolic ministry as foolish, especially in a world that valued strength, status, and self-promotion. Paul emphasized that his ministry was not about boasting in human achievement but about boasting in the Lord.

This prompted a critical question for us to reflect on: Is our Christianity shaped by the American culture of self-sufficiency and success, or is it oriented by the hope of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross?

In our lives, we face struggles that can often feel like death — illness, the loss of loved ones, financial hardship, and joblessness. Fletcher reminded us that these challenges are not signs of God’s absence. Rather, they are the very means by which God draws us closer to Him, revealing His sustaining presence in our weakness.

Fletcher highlighted Paul’s willingness to die daily for the sake of others. “Paul was willing to lay his life down each day so that the Corinthians might come to know, see, and experience the love of God.” This radical self-sacrifice was not driven by a desire for comfort or safety but by a deep love for others and a commitment to proclaiming the Gospel. Fletcher challenged us with this truth: “Your neighbors will not come to know the love of God through our pursuit of comfort and safety.”

As followers of Christ, we are called to take up our cross daily, knowing that suffering for the sake of the Gospel is not in vain. In fact, it is often through pain and affliction that we come to experience the glory of God more fully. Fletcher reminded us that “glory is the outcome of affliction.” This truth that is ultimately rooted in the cross, where Jesus’ suffering led to the redemption of the world.


As we move forward into the next chapters of our lives, Fletcher’s message left us with a powerful call: to live lives that are not motivated by worldly standards of success or comfort but by the glory of God and the power of the Gospel. When we allow God to use our weaknesses and afflictions for His purposes, we reflect His glory and make His love known to the world.