One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
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The Case for Human Value — 9/4/2024 10:00 AM

Today's speaker is Dr. Jimmy Scroggins, Lead Pastor of Family Church in West Palm Beach, FL. Speaking from Genesis 1:24-31 and Psalm 139:13-16, Dr. Scroggins proclaims the dignity and worth of every human being, as all are created in the image of God.


Today’s chapel was led by Dr. Jimmy Scroggins from Family Church in southern Florida. He discussed how every human being is created in the image of God. Human beings have more valuable lives than any other creature and are valued by God.

God created men and women with intentionality, and they have three fundamental things in common: Men and women were both created by God with fundamental equality, differences, and interdependence.

Both men and women are equally loved by God. We are all created in His image, and He doesn’t love one gender more than the other. He values both genders the same.

God created everyone equal, but He also created both genders to be different from one another. Men and women have purposeful, fundamental roles. They are different physically, mentally, and occupationally. God created them to serve different roles and purposes.

Lastly, men and women have a common interdependence with one another. It takes both a man and a woman to have a child. They rely on and complement one another.

There were three other takeaways to go along with today’s sermon.

  1. God made every person in His image. God knitted you together in your mother’s womb. He created every person with value, worth, and dignity. God planned every single person on this planet. Some pregnancies may be a surprise to the parents, but they are not a surprise to God. He wanted you to be here.
  2. God wants every person to be pro-life. We are pro-life because we believe that every human life begins at conception. Scroggins explained it a bit further by stating, “We think abortion is wrong because when you intentionally take a life and abort it, you are killing a little human being.” Sometimes, horrible and traumatic things happen to innocent women. If you know anyone or have personally experienced a related incident, we pray justice is taken against the one who committed the offense. Scroggins also explained this further by declaring, “But we already have one victim and a baby. Do we really want there to be two victims?”
  3. God loves every person. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die and take on the sins of everyone in this world. He loves us all and created everyone fearfully and wonderfully.

The lasting takeaway is that everyone wants a home for their heart. Scroggins encouraged many by saying, “God wants to give you a home for your heart, and God wants you to extend that invitation all over the world and wherever you may go.”