Course-Section Inquiry for Spring Semester 2025

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7125BTAT 2400 01Intro to EvangelismBowman, Joshua S3.0  LEC BTS115 MWF 03:00P-03:50P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7126BTAT 3200 01Intro to Missions: Tholgy/HistBowman, Joshua S3.0  LEC BTS115 TR 11:00A-12:15P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7127BTAT 3400 01Biblical Care & CounselingOliver, Jeremy3.0  LEC BTS102 MWF 11:00A-11:50A
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7128BTAT 3410 01DiscipleshipDixon, Scott3.0  LEC BTS103 TR 12:30P-01:45P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7129BTAT 3430 01Interpersonal & Crisis CnslngOliver, Jeremy3.0  LEC BTS206 MWF 02:00P-02:50P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7130BTAT 3450 01Contemp World MissionsBennett, Matthew A3.0  LEC BTS117 MWF 09:00A-09:50A
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7131BTAT 3470 01Cross-Cultural MinistryBowman, Joshua S3.0  LEC BTS201 TR 03:30P-04:45P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7132BTAT 3500 01Text-Driven Preaching 1Kimble, Jeremy M3.0  LEC BTS103 MWF 08:00A-08:50A
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7133BTAT 3560 01Counseling & Mentoring MenLee, Jason Kenneth3.0  LEC BTS101 TR 08:30A-09:45A
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7134BTAT 3730 01Theology of WorshipHutchison, Thomas3.0  LEC BTS102 TR 02:00P-03:15P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
301020Buy My Books
8409BTAT 4710 01Ministry InternshipOliver, Jeremy2.0-3.0  INT -
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
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7135BTAT 4990 01Topic: Rchng Wmn w/Gospel MinShaw, Erin Megan3.0  LEC BTS206 TR 03:30P-04:45P
Dates: 01/07/25-05/02/25
30426Buy My Books

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updated 02/22/2025 12:06AM