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Annual Maximum TEACH Grant Amount:

  • $3,772.00* per academic year if first disbursement made on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2024
  • $3,764.00* per academic year if first disbursement made on or after October 1, 2019 and before October 1, 2020
  • $3,752.00* per academic year if first disbursement made on or after October 1, 2018 and before October 1, 2019

* Note: Due to the ongoing implementation of Congress' Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011, which put into place the "sequester" (automatic across-the-board federal budget cuts), the TEACH Grant annual award amount continues to change. The sequester mandates that the maximum annual amount for the TEACH Grant is awarded based upon the date of the 1st disbursement.

Aggregate maximum for the TEACH Grant Program:

  • $16,000 for undergraduate students
  • $8,000 for graduate students

How to obtain a TEACH Grant while enrolled at an eligible institution:

  • Must be actively enrolled in one of the education majors
  • Must complete the FAFSA and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Must complete counseling - initial/subsequent (each year)/exit – method to be determined
  • Must sign Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement) for each year the grant is received and will be available electronically on Department of ED website
  • Must maintain 3.25 cumulative GPA or score above the 75th percentile of national test scores
  • Grant is not need based aid
  • Available for undergraduate or graduate studies
  • Grant funds received cannot exceed cost of attendance

After graduation or no longer enrolled:

  • Must complete TEACH Exit Counseling.
  • Each agreement signed must be fulfilled by 4 years of service
  • Applicant has 8 years to complete service
  • Current high need fields are as follows:
    • Bilingual education and English language acquisition
    • Foreign language
    • Mathematics
    • Reading Specialist
    • Science
    • Special Education
    • A field documented as high need or ‘shortage subject area’ by the Federal Government, a State government, or an LEA and approved by the Department of Education.

For years of service to qualify:

  • Must teach in a high need subject and low income area after graduation.
  • Must teach full-time and be certified as a highly qualified teacher
  • Must self report teaching service after each year completed
  • Subject to be taught must be high need subject and low income area at the time applicant begins teaching service (if a subject is removed from high need during service or institution is no longer considered to be a low income area, service still counts toward requirements if teacher continues at that institution)

Please note: If you do not complete service requirement, grant funds will revert to an unsubsidized loan, with interest accrued from the date the grant was disbursed.

For more information, visit the Department of Education's TEACH Grants page.

View the TEACH Grant Fact Sheet.

Steps to Apply

  • Complete TEACH Grant entrance counseling
  • Complete the Agreement To Serve or Repay (Agreement) (this process usually takes 24 - 48 hours)
  • You must have scored in the 75th percentile on any given battery of a standardized test (ACT/SAT) or maintain a 3.25 GPA. If you did not meet this 75th percentile requirement, you may still be eligible, but you will be required to maintain a 3.25 minimum GPA at Cedarville University.

Exit Counseling
