One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Joel Wayne, lead pastor of Chapel Pointe in Hudsonville, Michigan

Cedarville Stories: Catalytic Spark

by Clem Boyd, Communication Content Manager

Mover and a shaker. Agent of change agent. Growth generator. Mover and shaker. Descriptions of Joel Wayne, lead pastor at Chapel Pointe in Hudsonville, Michigan, seem to revolve around action and positive momentum. The three churches he has pastored are all evidence of the Lord's working through Joel to transform culture and galvanize believers around the Great Commission.

Joel has an entrepreneurial bent to his personality and gifting. That was clear as a business major at the University of Georgia and in his first job at Nabisco, where he started at the tender age of 17. But producing crackers and cookies, as delectable as they might be, did not light his fire like sharing the Bread of Life with his co-workers. He knew he needed to change vocations.

Over the course of nearly three decades in ministry, Joel has focused on one goal: to help people find their joy, comfort, and hope in Jesus Christ, not in religious routines. Jesus deserves our affection and attention.

He is taking that message beyond the walls of Chapel Pointe to transform the mission and culture of churches in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area and all over the U.S. through his Be the Church initiative. The church should move beyond territorial ministry pursuits to become one body proclaiming the transforming power of the Gospel. That is Joel's passion.

Cedarville’s Transformed Tour will be making a stop at Chapel Pointe on May 11, 2022. Joel sees in Cedarville a similar desire to make much of Christ in all we do. He wants to see the school be part of sparking a movement of disciples reaching the world.

“I believe that Be the Church and Cedarville University is called to be a catalytic spark of renewal and revival through the Holy Spirit,” he shares during the podcast. “Pray for the school to experience that catalytic spark and to be a catalytic spark of movement that is greater than anything we’ve known before.”

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More to the Story

Joel is a frequent chapel speaker, having preached on Hebrews 5 on March 16, 2022


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