One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations

Insecurity in cyberspace is an international problem that has created mistrust in society and led to a growing need for security professionals who can provide online safety.  

Cedarville University is at the forefront of preparing future cybersecurity professionals through its partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA). 

Cedarville and the NSA have entered into an Educational Partnership Agreement (EPA) that will offer Cedarville students value-added training from cyber industry leaders from the NSA. The EPA, signed in the spring, will give Cedarville faculty and students the opportunity to engage with top cyber operations experts. 

Center for Advancement of Cybersecurity Logo"The EPA will allow our students to benefit from training provided by NSA subject matter experts,” said Dr. Seth Hamman, professor of cyber operations and computer science at Cedarville. “Having access to leading professionals will prepare our students for internships and post-graduation employment.” 

Jack Byerley, a 2020 graduate of Cedarville’s computer science program who now works full-time at the NSA, will serve as liaison between the two organizations.  

“Since Cedarville became NSA accredited when I was a student, I have been interested in furthering the relationship between the agency and the university,” said Byerley. “Now, as one of the first NSA hires out of Cedarville’s cyber program, God has graciously allowed me to be the NSA’s academic liaison to my alma mater.” As academic liaison, Byerley can bring collaborative training, recruitment opportunities, and mentoring relations to Cedarville’s current and future students. 

This EPA strengthens the already unique relationship between the NSA and Cedarville, which began when the university was designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations in 2018.  

According to the NSA, only 21 programs in the nation — including Cedarville University — share this credentialed designation from the NSA. Cedarville is the sole private Christian university among the prestigious group, which includes Carnegie Mellon University, the United States Military Academy at West Point, the United States Air Force Academy and Texas A&M University. 

The NSA leads the U.S. Government in cryptology, which includes both signals intelligence insights and cybersecurity products and services. Integral to defense infrastructure, the NSA establishes common protocols and standards for secure information sharing, which is the heart of cyber operations. 

The strategic partnership between the NSA and Cedarville will allow the university to offer valuable training supported by the nation’s leading cybersecurity organization. 

“Jack initiated this EPA process as a more formal way for us to partner together,” said Hamman. “It is a joy to see our graduates be successful and value the education they received at Cedarville so highly. Jack’s enthusiastic service will bring great benefits to both organizations.” 


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