One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Ella Smith, Student Public Relations Writer

More than a lemonade stand, Cedarville University is giving high school students the opportunity to go beyond tradition as young entrepreneurs.  

CUE CampCedarville, in partnership with the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), will host the inaugural Cedarville University Entrepreneurship (CUE) camp on June 4-7, 2024. Students between 14-18 are invited to register before May 15.  

The camp will feature hands-on entrepreneurship opportunities, team-building games and active feedback-based learning. A mini “Shark Tank” inspired event will allow students to pitch their entrepreneurial ideas and display what they’ve learned during the camp. 

Camp attendees will learn from entrepreneurial experts including Cedarville faculty members, headlined by Dr. Kary Oberbrunner, Berry chair of entrepreneurship and a USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. He will be joined by Dr. Jeffrey Haymond, dean of the Robert W. Plaster School of Business,  and Jim Stevenson, president of the International Center for Creativity in Columbus, Ohio, and an instructor of industrial and innovative design. They will also be joined by Tunji Adebayo a FEE international speaker and entrepreneur.  

“I want students to realize that entrepreneurship is fun and gain confidence in dreaming new ideas that can impact others,” said Oberbrunner. “We’re going to practice entrepreneurship and give these students the confidence to create an idea, pitch it, tweak it with feedback and have fun learning foundational entrepreneurship principles.” 

CUE camp is a great option for students who have a passion for entrepreneurship and innovative thinking, regardless of what major they may be considering. “Entrepreneur camp can be plugged into any discipline,” said Oberbrunner. “It’s helpful for any major they’re going to choose.” 

Cedarville offers a variety of summer academic camps and CUE will join the annual slate. 

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