One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Allison Craft, Public Relations Student Writer

“Living in Babylon,” Answers in Genesis’ (AiG) successful biblical apologetics tour in Australia, is coming to America.  

Cedarville University will host the first “Living in Babylon” event in the United States on Tuesday, Sept. 9. The free event, which is open to the public, begins at 6 p.m. in the Dixon Ministry Center. Attendees must register at 

AiG founder Ken Ham and Martyn Iles, AiG’s chief executive officer, will draw comparisons between life in ancient Babylon as seen in the biblical book of Daniel with life in today’s post-Christian world.  

Martyn Iles speaking 858Iles has spoken globally on this subject, teaching the importance of developing a faith like Daniel’s in a hostile modern culture. Ham and Iles will provide biblical answers to difficult questions that face Christians in today’s current secular culture.  

Ham writes in his blog that Iles’ talk “highlights how living in a post-Christian world is like living in the pagan nation of Babylon, a nation utterly opposed to the absolutes of Christianity.” 

The purpose of the event, according to Answers in Genesis, is to reach everyone with the Gospel because God’s Word is for every generation and culture. Their goal is to see everyone experience the timeless power of Scripture.  

“In our current culture, there’s never been a more important time to intersect the Gospel with our post-Christian culture,” said Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University. “The Living in Babylon event will help us think more strategically about sharing our faith in Jesus with a world that desperately needs Him.” 

The values of Answers in Genesis align with Cedarville University’s belief in the centrality of Scripture. Cedarville impresses on its students the importance of relying on Scripture in all circumstances. Every student at Cedarville graduates with a Bible minor, attends the daily chapel service and is encouraged by White to read Scripture every day as he regularly challenges students with the phrase, “no Bible, no breakfast.”   

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is a Baptist university with undergraduate programs in arts, sciences, and professional programs, and graduate programs. With an enrollment of 5,456 students in 175 areas of study, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio and is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, including its Bachelor of Arts in biblical studies, and high graduation and retention rates. For more information about the University, visit

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