One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Jordan Foley

Students at Cedarville University spend approximately 1,000 days during their four years on campus. During this period, Dr. Thomas White, president, encourages each student to participate in a mission trip. 

Based on the feedback from other pharmacy students who had served in Guatemala on previous mission opportunities, Thomas Bonifield, a second-year pharmacy student, agreed to serve at a free, four-day clinic in Los Dolores, Guatemala. This experience transformed his perspective on medical care and spreading the gospel.  

Thomas BonifieldBonifield and a team of Cedarville pharmacy, nursing and allied health students joined with Caring Partners International, located in Franklin, Ohio, to bring superior care to Guatemalan citizens. Many of these patients have little access to adequate health care, so the team was able to provide quality medical and chiropractic care to a community in need.  

“One woman was brought to the clinic in a wheelbarrow because she was unable to walk,” said Bonifield. “While the health care providers immediately tended to her physical needs, her husband cried in astonishment of how deeply the medical team cared for his wife.”  

The care she received provided an opportunity for other workers to encourage him and share why the team cared enough to come to Guatemala and serve people they’ve never met. 

“This was a very powerful moment because the husband, with tears in his eyes, said ’I don’t know what those people have, but I want that.’” explained Bonifield. The medical mission paved the way for a gospel conversation. 

After each of the 541 patients received a medical examination, the local church volunteers offer a spiritual checkup and a presentation of the gospel in “The Clinic for the Soul.” This spiritual assessment resulted in 68 people making the decision to follow Jesus.   

Bonifield was able to not only provide care for sick patients, but share the gospel with those around him.  

“Before a trip, I always want students to prepare for what is going to be thrown at them,” said Dr. Adam Reed, president of Caring Partners International and the official trip leader. “A lot of the things we see at the clinic are discouraging.  At times you will feel inadequate and overwhelmed, but it is important to remember God has equipped you with all the skills you need.” 

Bonifield’s experience in Guatemala has inspired him to provide medical solutions for others and make a true difference in their lives.  

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is a Baptist university with undergraduate programs in arts, sciences, and professional programs, and graduate programs. With an enrollment of 5,456 students in 175 areas of study, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio and is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, and high graduation and retention rates. For more information about the University, visit

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