One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Why Do We Require a Bible Minor for All Students?

Thursday, September 14, 2023

BibleAt Cedarville University, we take our mission statement very seriously: "Cedarville University transforms lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority.” Not only is there biblical integration in every course, but all students complete a Bible minor as a part of their academic program. Always among our students’ favorites, Bible classes stretch them to think about God, His Word, and His world in whole new ways.

The Bible minor at Cedarville is made up of five courses:

  • Course One: The Bible and the Gospel focuses on the core aspects of living the Christian life and walking faithfully with the Savior. Students are first exposed to the beauty of the biblical Gospel. The goal is that they would see how God demonstrated His great love for them through the death of Christ. Students are challenged to pursue a deep and growing relationship with Christ through the personal study of God's Word.
  • Courses Two and Three: Old Testament Literature and New Testament Literature will make the Bible real as students explore the narrative, poetry and epistles of the Bible. Students will see how God’s redemptive story is unfolded in the biblical texts. Studying the whole Bible reinforces the model of interpreting and applying the Scripture learned in the Bible and the Gospel. 
  • Courses Four and Five: Theology 1 and Theology 2 build on the biblical knowledge students have learned in their previous Bible classes. The goal now is to synthesize and systematize that knowledge as they seek to understand what God says about the great questions of the past and present. We use the Bible as the foundation and final authority for theology as we also learn from the great Christian theologians of the past. 

These classes will challenge your student’s thinking. More importantly, they will transform his or her life.

Watch the video below to learn more about how Cedarville will intentionally build into your student's life through the Bible minor.

Video screen shot of Center of Biblical and Theological Studies overlooking Cedar Lake


P.S. If you are interested in seeing what your student will be learning in the Bible Minor courses, Cedarville has made lecture videos from four of its Bible minor courses available online at no charge. The fifth course should be available later this fall. Visit The Bible Minor Project to learn more and watch course videos. These are great resources for small-group study or personal enrichment, too.

Posted in Academics Spiritual Growth Why Christ Centered Higher Education

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