Section 2.13 - M

  1. Marketing Style Guide
  2. Introduction
  3. Details
    1. Section 2.1
    2. Section 2.2
    3. Section 2.3
    4. Section 2.4
    5. Section 2.5
    6. Section 2.6
    7. Section 2.7
    8. Section 2.8
    9. Section 2.9
    10. Section 2.10
    11. Section 2.11
    12. Section 2.12
    13. Section 2.13
    14. Section 2.14
    15. Section 2.15
    16. Section 2.16
    17. Section 2.17
    18. Section 2.18
    19. Section 2.19
    20. Section 2.20
    21. Section 2.21
    22. Section 2.22
    23. Section 2.23
    24. Section 2.24
    25. Section 2.25
    26. Section 2.26
  4. Appendix A: Official Names
  5. Appendix B: Grammar

Maiden names

 Use parentheses around maiden names of alumnae. Do not use italics, quotation marks, etc.

Correct: Emma (Allen) Clark ’97

  • Only include maiden name in the first reference.

majors and minors

  • Lowercase generic names of majors and minors, but capitalize proper nouns.
  • Do not put majors in italics or quotation marks.
  • Refer to Cedarville’s current catalog for a complete list of the majors and minors.
Correct: Kurt majored in biology.
Correct: Ben majored in Spanish education.


  • This is one word, not two.

master’s degree


  • This is a one-stop center for audio, video, and imaging services, located on the lower level of the Centennial Library.
  • Capitalize “M” and “PLEX.”
  • This is one word, not two.

Master’s Puppets 

  • Use “The Master’s Puppets” when referring to the former Cedarville traveling ministry team.


  • This is one word, not two.


  • Acceptable and sensitive descriptors for minorities include “African-American,” “Asian,” “Asian-Indian,” “black,” “Latino,” and “students of color.”

mission statement

  • The following is Cedarville’s official mission statement:  Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.

missions trip

  • Use the “s” on “missions.”
Correct: The youth group had a car wash to raise money for the missions trip.

Mom and Dad’s Dairy Bar

  • Capitalize all the words except for “and.”
  • This is a restaurant in Cedarville.


  • Spell out the names of months. Do not abbreviate them.

NOTE: It is acceptable to abbreviate the names of months in tables, charts, or graphs, if necessary due to space constraints.

movies (see “titles”)

music (see “titles”)