Foundations: A Theology of the Family
Monday, November 11, 2024

In this video in the Synergy Initiative training series, Dr. Kimble talks about the importance of family formation. Every aspect of the family is crucial to our growth as individuals and as a church, so it’s vital that we engage in healthy habits that help our families grow. In order to go together to share the Gospel, we must also grow together.
Marriage: Reflecting Christ and the Church
Marriage in the Christian context is not just a personal union but a spiritual one that mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church. Several passages in the New Testament, such as Ephesians 5:22–33 and Colossians 3:18–19, emphasize the roles of husbands and wives within this union.
- Wives are called to submit to their husbands, just as the Church submits to Christ. Submission does not indicate inferiority, but only recognizes the husband's God-given leadership role.
- Husbands are commanded to love their wives sacrificially, reflecting Christ’s love for the Church. This love involves not just grand gestures but daily acts of service, such as helping with household tasks and offering emotional support. They must not be passive or harsh with their wives.
1 Peter 3:1 also commands wives to be an example to their husbands and submit to them. In 1 Peter 3:7, husbands are commanded to honor their wives “as the weaker vessel.”
The biblical foundation for marriage, rooted in Genesis 2, calls husbands to protect and provide, while wives support, respect, and follow their husband's leadership. Christians must prioritize their marriages since marriage illustrates Christ’s relationship with the Church. This mutual love and respect creates a spiritual environment where both spouses can thrive and grow together.
One of the most important roles parents play in their children’s lives is to train them up in the ways of the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” In verse 7, it continues, “You shall teach them [the Scriptures] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Parents are to develop regular habits of speaking biblical truth to their children.
Passages like Ephesians 6:1–4 and Colossians 3:20–21 command children to obey and honor their parents, and for fathers to not deal harshly with their children but to raise them in the Lord’s discipline and instruction.
It is important that parents are aware of how their children’s environment is influencing them, such as what they view on their screens. Parents must also prioritize instruction of the Lord and not let other activities get in the way. Children are a joy from the Lord, and parents must take instructing them in the Lord seriously.
Family Life: A Laboratory for Discipleship
Prioritizing growth as a family is vital in the Christian walk since family relationships reflect a Christian’s testimony in so many ways. Christian family life is often described as a "laboratory of discipleship" because it provides a unique and ongoing opportunity to practice Christian virtues. Families spend significant time together, which allows for both formal teaching (e.g., family devotions) and informal teaching (e.g., conversations during daily activities). This makes the home an ideal environment for spiritual growth and discipleship.
Making Time for Family and Faith
Time is a critical factor in nurturing a spiritually healthy family. Ephesians 5:16 reminds us to "make the best use of our time, for the days are evil." In today’s busy world, it's easy to let other activities, such as sports, take precedence over family and church commitments. However, Christian families must prioritize time for spiritual disciplines and growth, such as church attendance, prayer, and personal devotions. If families are sporadic in their spiritual practices, it is likely that children will not prioritize faith as they grow older.
Teaching Formally and Informally
Parents must seize both formal and informal moments to teach their children about God. Formal teaching might include reading Scripture together or using devotional guides, while informal teaching happens naturally during conversations, while driving in the car, on family outings, or even while doing chores. The goal is to make God's Word central in every aspect of family life.
Adapting to Different Seasons
It’s important to recognize that life is full of different seasons with different priorities and commitments, so parents should engage with their kids and each other in whichever way works best for that season of life. What works for a toddler may not work for a teenager, and parents need to be flexible and think proactively about how to grow, learn, and enjoy life together.
Conclusion: The Family as a Foundation for Church Growth
Marriage, parenting, and family are wonderful but also challenging to navigate. However, it’s crucial to prioritize family growth as you prepare for church planting, replanting, and multiplication. Engage in family life for God’s glory and to know Him, make Him known to others, and love Him above everything else.
Watch the Foundations video below to hear more from Dr. Jeremy Kimble about the importance of family formation:
Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Professor of Theology and Director of the Synergy Initiative at Cedarville University, is passionate about teaching college and graduate students the truth of God’s Word. He is committed to teaching in the classroom, mentoring students, and speaking in church, camp, and conference settings. He served in pastoral ministry for eight years and is currently an active member and minister at University Baptist Church. Dr. Kimble's academic interests include biblical and systematic theology, ecclesiology, preaching and teaching, and the mission of the Church.
Synergy is the combined power of a group working together that is greater than the power of individuals working separately. The Synergy Initiative aims to help students plan strategically to graduate from Cedarville, go together with others from this place, and invest their energies, talents, and efforts in planting, revitalizing, and multiplying churches. As Cedarville graduates join up with other church members who are equipped to do the work of ministry, the combined effect of their efforts will accomplish, by God’s grace, abundantly more than only a couple of pastors in a church doing all of the work on their own. Thus, the goal is to equip students to leave Cedarville University ready to help establish and strengthen local churches throughout the nation and around the world.
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