One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Overview: Character, Convictions, and Competencies

Monday, February 24, 2025

Man shaking hand of man behind him in church pews.As we journey deeper into the Synergy Initiative video training series, it's essential to recognize three foundational building blocks for effective ministry: character, convictions, and competencies. When it comes to the work of multiplying churches, all church planters and core team members must demonstrate certain qualities. These highlight the significance of work, rest, and missions, exploring how these elements are interconnected. Furthermore, churches need every hand on deck to be successful, meaning that everyone must be ready and willing to participate in this work. 


All Christians involved in church multiplication must be men and women of character. To live in a way that is “above reproach” and useful to the mission of God, each individual must center their life around pleasing the Lord through their words, thoughts, and lifestyle.

Character is defined by the habits, attitudes, and qualities that reflect who a person is at their core. Although any individual can have a good or bad character, Christian character is formed around the habits, attitudes, and qualities that result from being transformed by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s power. This leads those with godly character to increasingly do the right thing at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reason. This growth in character is part of our sanctification as God shapes us through His Word and Spirit. 


Those participating in church multiplication must also be men and women of conviction. Positioned on the front lines of evangelism and discipleship, they must be able to articulate the Gospel clearly and keep hold of a solid understanding of their theological beliefs. They must have the ability to speak to others and refute false teaching with grace and confidence, making Jesus Christ known as the ultimate answer to every area of life. Titus 1:9 specifically addresses pastors while also placing a call on every member to “hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” This conviction calls for bold evangelism, patient discipleship, and unwavering reliance on Scripture to guide and shape the mission.


When it comes to church multiplication, it’s essential for those involved to possess specific competencies — skills and abilities that will allow them to serve effectively in various aspects of ministry. Church planting requires a wide range of spiritual gifts and acts of service to meet the needs of the church and local community. Those participating in church multiplication must be ready to engage in Word ministry in a variety of contexts, including preaching, teaching, discipling, counseling, fellowship, and hospitality. Every member must be ready to serve in the areas God has called them to, understanding their own spiritual gifts and being willing to use them for the benefit of the body. Beyond specific skills, participants must be faithful, available, and teachable. The willingness to learn and serve in humility is key to building a cohesive and effective team. Ultimately, every member plays a crucial role in the work of multiplying the church.  

Action Steps 

As you prepare your church for multiplication, identify individuals who demonstrate clear maturity in character, convictions, and competencies. Create opportunities for training and growth to help them develop these qualities. If you are looking to engage in church multiplication, prioritize growing in your own character, convictions, and competencies while fostering the essential qualities of humility and willingness to work with others. Strong relationships and a spirit of unity enable teams to work together effectively in pursuing the shared goal of making Christ known. 

Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Professor of Theology and Director of the Synergy Initiative at Cedarville University, is passionate about teaching college and graduate students the truth of God’s Word. He is committed to teaching in the classroom, mentoring students, and speaking in church, camp, and conference settings. He served in pastoral ministry for eight years and is currently an active member and minister at University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Dr. Kimble's academic interests include biblical and systematic theology, ecclesiology, preaching and teaching, and the mission of the Church. 

Synergy is the combined power of a group working together that is greater than the power of individuals working separately. The Synergy Initiative aims to help students plan strategically to graduate from Cedarville, go together with others from this place, and invest their energies, talents, and efforts in planting, revitalizing, and multiplying churches. As Cedarville graduates join up with other church members who are equipped to do the work of ministry, the combined effect of their efforts will accomplish, by God’s grace, abundantly more than only a couple of pastors in a church doing all of the work on their own. Thus, the goal is to equip students to leave Cedarville University ready to help establish and strengthen local churches throughout the nation and around the world. 

Posted in Synergy Initiative Synergy Resources

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