Matthew Bennett
Matt Bennett, PhD
Associate Professor of Missions and TheologyBiography
Dr. Matthew Bennett joined the faculty at Cedarville University in fall 2017 after serving and living in North Africa and the Middle East since 2011. He currently teaches The Bible and the Gospel, Theology I, Urban Missiology, Contemporary World Missions, Global Theology, and World Religions.
Education and Credentials
- PhD in Missiology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- MDiv in International Church Planting, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- MA in Intercultural Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Scholarly Works
- Narratives in Conflict: Atonement in Hebrews and the Qur'an (Matthew A. Bennett) Faculty Dissertations (2017)
- Hebrews and the People of God: A Re-Envisioning of Israel's Narrative in Light of Christ (Matthew A. Bennett) Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Publications (2016)
- What Muhammad Didn't Borrow: The Conspicuous Absence of Sacrificial Atonement in Islam (Matthew A. Bennett) Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Publications (2016)
- It's Not Our Job to "Finish" the Missionary Task (Matthew A. Bennett) 9Marks (2018)
- Finishing the Task? A Cautionary Analysis of Missionary Language (Matthew A. Bennett) Southeastern Theological Review (2018)
- Interests: I love being outdoors — hiking, running, camping, golfing, and playing in the backyard with our three kids
- Why Cedarville?: I love the unique environment of Cedarville, combining general and theological studies, and seeking to equip every graduate as a minister of the Gospel wherever they are and whatever their vocation may be. Likewise, getting to teach both theology and missions courses affords me the unique opportunity to unite two disciplines that should never be separated in the first place. At Cedarville I get to ground missions in solid, biblical theology while at the same time challenging such theology to issue forth in Gospel-driven mission.