One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Biblical Studies (Missions) Degree

Why Study Missions at Cedarville?

By adding a missions concentration to your Bachelor of Arts in biblical studies, you will graduate fully prepared for a variety of cross-cultural focused careers. You'll be encouraged to cultivate a deeper commitment to worldwide missions as you gain knowledge of contemporary global issues. With this concentration, you will learn past and present missions thinking and practice, as well as opportunities and challenges to doing missions in today's modern world. You will also learn how to understand other cultures and how to effectively minister in another culture.

We also highly recommend that you consider completing this program as part of Cedarville's Accelerated BA + MDiv option, which will allow you to complete your BA in biblical studies and Master of Divinity in just five years, including the missions concentration.

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Program Overview

Three people seated at a table

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Trent Rogers

Trent Rogers, PhD

Dean of SBTS, Associate Professor of NT and Greek

Photo of Matt Bennett

Matt Bennett, PhD

Associate Professor of Missions and Theology

Photo of Josh Bowman

Josh Bowman, PhD

Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology

Photo of Randy McKinion

Randy McKinion, PhD

Professor of Old Testament

Program News