Daniel Estes
Dan Estes, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Old TestamentBiography
Dr. Dan Estes was reared in a pastor's family in small towns in upstate New York. Because of the teaching he received from his parents, he came to know Christ as a child, and then the Lord used numerous experiences at summer camp, church, college, and ministry to continue to build into his life. Now as a Bible professor, he considers it a privilege to do for others what so many godly mentors did for him.
Education and Credentials
- PhD in Biblical Exegesis, Cambridge University
- ThM in Old Testament Exegesis, Dallas Theological Seminary.
- BA in Preseminary Bible and English, Cedarville University
Scholarly Works
- From Patriarch to Pilgrim: The Development of the Biblical Figure of Abraham and Its Contribution to the Christian Metaphor of Spiritual Pilgrimage (Daniel J Estes) Faculty Dissertations (1988)
- Job (Daniel J Estes) Faculty Books (2013)
- Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms (Daniel J Estes) (2005)
- Hear, My Son: Teaching and Learning in Proverbs 1-9 (Daniel J Estes) (1997)
- Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs (Daniel J Estes and Daniel C Fredericks) Faculty Books (2010)
- Hobbies: Running, music, travel, gardening
- Why I'm at Cedarville: I had a wonderful undergraduate experience as a student at Cedarville, so it was a special delight to be called by the Lord to return to teach here. A key part of my life mission is to build God's truth into the next generation, and at Cedarville I have the privilege to do that with the excellent students the Lord leads to us.