Top 7 Reasons to Complete Your M.Div. at Cedarville
Top 7 Reasons to Complete Your M.Div. at Cedarville
Competitive Tuition — Compare Cedarville’s $415/credit hour with other seminaries:
- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School — $745/credit hour
- Dallas Theological Seminary — $638/credit hour
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary — $609/credit hour (non-SBC)
- Southern Seminary — $475/credit hour (non-SBC)
- Grace Seminary — $450/credit hour
[rates based on web information/March 2022]
Campus Life and Facilities – As an M.Div. student, you’ll be able to enjoy a full array of activities and services at Cedarville: intercollegiate sporting events, plays, concerts, intramural sports, service organizations, library holdings and access to OhioLink, Fitness Center, and Career Services.
Curriculum Design — You’ll take two years of Old Testament, New Testament, and Christian theology with Greek, Hebrew, preaching, biblical counseling, missions, and evangelism. You’ll also complete a ministry internship.
Graduate Culture — You will take part in graduate student “roundtables” with campus guests and professors for theological discussion and ministry questions. You’ll also have ministry leadership opportunities on and off campus.
Quality Faculty — Faculty publications in the last 12 months include scholarly monographs, collaborative projects/books, published essays, popular books, and journal articles. Faculty members have been invited presenters at national and international conferences. Their research interests have a variety similar to the range of the top 15 largest seminaries.
Church Partnerships — Career services has dozens of listed ministry posts at any given time and help develop intentional church partnerships for internships and residencies. Ministry training is not completed at a school, but in the church with experienced pastors as guides.
Being Known — The most important part of development for ministry is personal discipleship. While the academic quality of the classroom at Cedarville is high, the more important component is for our students to be known personally by their professors. Mentoring relationships developed over multiple years and genuine peer relationship forged in closer community are important for theological and character development.