One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Kim Peterson

All undergraduate Education programs within the School of Education and Social Work are CAEP accredited.

Kim Peterson

Director of Program Improvement and Accreditation


Mrs. Kim Peterson currently serves as the academic quality assurance officer within the School of Education. As a military spouse and career educator, Mrs. Peterson taught advanced, standard, and co-taught language arts and social studies for grades 7-12 in private schools, rural, urban and suburban public schools, Department of Defense schools, and International Baccalaureate schools. In addition to classroom teaching, Mrs. Peterson served as a teacher support specialist with Memphis City Schools, an urban, high-need school district, with the nonprofit TNTP (The New Teacher Project). Prior to transitioning to Cedarville University, Mrs. Peterson worked as an urban education program support specialist for the Ohio Department of Education.

Education and Credentials

  • M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, Troy State University
  • B.A. in Secondary Education, University of Louisiana at Monroe
  • Middle School Certificate Program, Liberty University


  • Spending time with family, traveling, reading
  • Why Cedarville?: God opened a door for me at Cedarville with this new position. I am excited to continue working in education as we equip the next generation of teachers.