One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Denise Smith

All undergraduate Education programs within the School of Education and Social Work are CAEP accredited.

Denise Smith

Program Assistant


Denise Smith serves as the School of Education Program Assistant. Previously she taught third and fourth grades at a private school in Athens, Georgia. She was a stay-at-home mom to her five children for 19 years, and she homeschooled for 10 years.

Education and Credentials

B.A. in Human Ecology, Interior Design, The University of Tennessee in Chattanooga


  • Watching my kids' sporting events, Georgia football, spending time with family, traveling, swimming, and all facets of design.
  • Why Cedarville?: My position was an answer to prayer. I am thankful for the opportunity to work in an environment surrounded by likeminded women and men. It is a blessing to serve the students and community.