One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Michael Sherr

Michael Sherr, PhD, MSW

Associate Dean, Director of Social Work, Professor of Social Work


Dr.  Sherr serves as Chair and Professor of Social Work at Cedarville University. Dr. Sherr is a Jewish believer who came to faith in Jesus Christ as a young adult. He has been a full-time educator since 2004 and has held administrative positions for more than nine years at both faith-based and secular universities. Dr. Sherr is an internationally recognized Christian scholar with more than $4 million in externally funded research and 80 publications, including four books. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.  He is married to Stacey for 30 years. They have 3 children--Brandon, Noah, and Grace.

Education and Credentials

  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina
  • M.S.W., University of South Carolina
  • B.S.W., University of North Carolina Greensboro

Scholarly Works

  • Sherr, M. E., & Jones, J. M. (2019). Introduction to Competence-Based Social Work: The Profession of Caring, Knowing, and Serving. (2nd Ed.). New York: Oxford.
  • Huff, G & Sherr, M.E. (2019) Exploring the professor and student relationship after a life-threatening trauma, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 29:1, 2-10. 
  • Stamey, J., Beavers, D., & Sherr, M. (2016). Bayesian analysis and design for joint modeling of two binary responses with misclassification. Sociological Methods and Research, 46:4, 772-792.
  • Sherr, M. E. (2010). On Becoming a Christian Educator in Social Work. Botsford, CT: North American Association for Christians in Social Work.
  • Sherr, M. E. (2008). Social work with Volunteers: Developing context-specific optimal partnerships. New York: Oxford.
View a listing of scholarly works in the Cedarville University Digital Commons ยป


  • Interests: Long distance running and spending time with my family
  • Why Cedarville?: I serve at Cedarville University to equip students called to the vocation of social work. My commitment to students is to prepare them for competent professional practice, rooted in biblical authority and the testimony of Jesus Christ.