One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Students enjoying a snowy campus.

2022 Highlights of the Year

Stewarding His Gifts

We are grateful for the gifts that God has given to Cedarville University, and we seek to steward them well — for His glory, not our own.


Chart showing record enrollment trend.

Record Enrollment

The fall, we experienced our 16th-consecutive record enrollment. Even as college enrollment across the nation declines, God is continuing to bring students to Cedarville who desire an excellent education grounded in biblical truth.

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Scharnberg Business Center

Breaking Ground on the Scharnberg Business Center

As part of homecoming weekend, we officially broke ground on the $40 million Lorne C. Scharnberg Business Center. This world-class facility that is being constructed on the north side of Cedar Lake will house our business and communication academic programs, the Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity, and the Berry Center for Free Enterprise as well as our students' favorite — Einstein Bros. Bagels!

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Callan Athletic Center Expansion

Callan Athletic Center Expansion Complete

On August 10, we dedicated the Athletic and Academic Expansion to the Callan Athletic Center. This newly expanded space provides a varsity weight room and team room for Athletics as well as classrooms, labs, and faculty offices for our Master of Athletic Training and PA (Physician Assistant) Studies program. 

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Wood Hall opening Ceremony

Wood Hall Opens

Anticipating another record enrollment, we opened Wood Hall, a 120-bed women’s residence hall, in August. The new hall was named in honor of longtime Cedarville administrator Dr. Duane Wood, who passed away in December 2019. 

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Everything about this place points me back to God. I have amazing professors who love and care about me and pour into me and want me to do well.

Isaak Ramsey.

Providing Excellent Academic Opportunities

Students receive exceptional instruction from highly credentialed professors and apply what they're learning to research, projects, and academic competitions.

  • 98.4% Career and Grad School Placement Rate
  • 175+ Graduate, Undergraduate, and Dual Enrollment Programs
  • 250 Full-time Faculty
Professor teaching in front of class

PA Program Achieves Accreditation-Provisional Status

In October, we announced that the ARC-PA (the professional accreditor for PA programs in the U.S.) has granted Accreditation-Provisional status to Cedarville University’s PA (Physician Assistant) Studies program. ARC-PA grants Accreditation-Provisional status to qualified programs that meet its high professional standards for PA education but have not yet enrolled students. We plan to enroll our first students in May 2023.

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Pharmacy students at laboratory bench

Pharmacy Students #3 in the Nation at Research Challenge

A group of students in our Doctor of Pharmacy program, under the guidance of Dr. Stephanie Tubb, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, placed third in the country at the 2022 American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Clinical Research Challenge. Our students continue to excel academically as they shine the light of Christ on a national platform. 

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Cedarville Cyber Team

Cyber Team Is Best in Ohio

Our cybersecurity student team placed first against the top college teams in Ohio at the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC). This was the first year Cedarville topped the competition in Ohio, earning a trip to the regional contest. This year, the cyber team was also invited to participate in Hack the Port ’22, an elite competition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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More importantly than just the excellent education you receive, you’re surrounded by people who care about more than what you’re learning in class; they care about your heart.

JD Parker.

Living Out Our Faith in Genuine Christian Community

1,000 Days of Transformation

Listen as our students share about their transformative 1,000 days at Cedarville.

Dr. Elliot and his wife Becky Elliot

Deep Calls for Life: Seeking Organ Donor for Professor

Deep Calls for Life, a student-led campaign at Cedarville University, is taking drastic measures to help Dr. Chuck Elliott, senior professor of communication, find a kidney donor.

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A game of tug-of-war at the Printy Wars

Campus Tradition “Printy Wars” Celebrates Its 20th Year

The annual “Printy Wars” has been a long-standing tradition at Cedarville University. In fact, students have participated in the residential unit-by-unit competition dating back to August 2002.

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Three spouts at different stages of growth

Transformation Stories: The Impact of Receiving 

Young people are changed forever by faculty mentorship, loving and supportive community, a biblical worldview in every class, and vocational preparation that emphasizes career as a platform for the Gospel. 

Did You Know?

Campus organizations focused on academic, service, and athletic opportunities

Serving Christ Globally!

Students, faculty, and staff on 31 teams reached 19 countries on spring and summer break Global Outreach trips

Honoring Christ in Sports!

Intercollegiate sports through which our Yellow Jackets honor Christ as they compete on the court, field, or track

At Cedarville I have seen some sweet transformations in both my relationships with God and with others on campus. More than ever before, I've truly enjoyed reading the Word and engaging in authentic, Gospel-centered conversations with close friends. Cedarville has been an incredible blessing so far, and I am so thankful that the Lord led me here.

Ben Johnson.

Celebrating Partners in Ministry

We are grateful for each one of you who come alongside us in our mission to transform lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. 

Artist depiction of new glass walled building.

Schiewetz Foundation’s $1 Million Gift Will Benefit Scharnberg Business Center

“We are grateful for the support of The Schiewetz Foundation,” said White. “Through the Foundation's generosity, we will construct a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility to house our School of Business. The new facility will reflect the excellence of our undergraduate and graduate programs, provide teaching and collaboration spaces for our faculty, and accommodate the growing number of students. Most importantly, we will continue to transform students' lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship.”

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Students walking on university campus amid trees at the peak of fall foliage.

$8M Anonymous Gift to Campaign

This summer, an anonymous donor gave an $8 million gift to One Thousand Days Transformed: The Campaign for Cedarville. The gift — the third-largest gift in University history — was designated to campus facilities, one of the four funding areas for the Campaign. 

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Chart showing record giving trend.
Graphic showing campaign giving totals up to $118,195,496.

Partner With Us to Transform Lives for Eternity 

Join us as we transform lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. 

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