One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

CPS Live

How 9/11 changed America 20 years ago with the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Shakesville, Pennsylvania, will be the topic of conversation in a special one-hour forum Friday, September 10, from 3:30-4:30 in BTS 104. The event is sponsored by the Center for Political Studies and will be livestreamed here.

Panelists include Dr. Jeff Haymond, dean of the school of business administration, Dr. Mark Caleb Smith, director of the center for political studies, and Jeff Reep, director of career services. Dr. Haymond was serving in the Pentagon when the terrorists attacked the Pentagon; He was uninjured. Jeff Reep is a father of three U.S. Marines, including one son who led his troops in Kabul during the final two weeks before the U.S. military pullout last month. His son, Aaron, was evacuated from Kabul on August 29, 2021--and he stood approximately 100 yards from where the bombs killed 13 servicemen. Dr. Smith is a noted expert on constitutional law and brings a unique perspective to this conversation.