The Conversion of the Philippian Jailor - Acts 16:25-40 — 2/7/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Professor of Systemic and Applied Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Kimble continues the series entitled "Acts: The Advance of The Gospel", speaking from Acts 16:25-40. He encourages us to proclaim the Gospel simply, clearly, and boldly.
Junior Class Chapel - 2/6/2025 — 2/6/2025
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Junior Class. Ethan Foster, class Chaplain, brings a message from 1 Corinthians 9:19–27, and challenges us to live as Paul did with the ultimate goal of bringing others to Christ and bringing glory to God.
Praise Chapel - SGA Worship Band — 2/5/2025
Today's Praise Chapel is led by the Student Government Association worship band, directing our attention to the beauty, presence, and comfort of Jesus Christ.
Justice as Love — 2/4/2025
Today's speaker is Matt Martens, trial lawyer and Professor of Legal Ethics at Duke Law School. Mr. Martens looks at the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, and states that we must love those neighbors with whom our lives intersect.
The Gospel and Justice — 2/3/2025
Today's speaker is Matt Martens, trial lawyer and Professor of Legal Ethics at Duke Law School. Mr. Martens implores us, as Christians, to heed the command God chose Abraham to give, which is to do God's justice by presuming innocence, investigating thoroughly, and being committed to accuracy. His text is Genesis 18:16-33.
The Jerusalem Council - Acts 15:1-35 — 1/31/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. Dan Estes, Distinguished Professor of Old Testament at Cedarville University. In this message, Dr. Estes preaches through Acts 15, in which the early church faced a difficult theological question. They came together in Christian unity, and proclaimed salvation is in Christ alone.
An Unashamed Worker — 1/30/2025
Today's speaker is Chip Bernhard, Lead Pastor of Spring Creek Church in Pewaukee, WI. Speaking from 2 Timothy 2: 14-19, Pastor Bernhard encourages us to remain faithful to God and His Word, and to honor those who faithfully taught us.
Living Without Lack — 1/29/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. James Hilton, Lead Pastor of Journey Church in Orange City, FL. Speaking from Psalm 23, Dr. Hilton teaches that when we go through trials, we must remember God is preparing us to be more like Christ.
How Did I Get Here? — 1/28/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. James Hilton, Lead Pastor of Journey Church in Orange City, Florida. Dr. Hilton looks at the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19, and cautions us against letting our emotions control us.
Every Single Word: Joshua 13-19, Part 1 — 1/27/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Joshua 13-19, Dr. White teaches that our God is a faithful God of unfaithful people.
SGA Chapel - 1/23/2025 — 1/23/2025
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. SGA Chaplain Trey Storr teaches from Isaiah 40 that El Olam, the everlasting God, has not failed.
How Do We Forgive When the Hurt is So Bad? — 1/21/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. Phillip Hamm, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Palmetto in Palmetto, FL. Dr. Hamm shows us from the Book of Philemon how forgiveness is possible in Christ.
Senior Class Chapel - 1/17/2025 — 1/17/2025
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Senior Class. Class Chaplain Fletcher Colgan urges us to be willing to endure affliction for the sake of the spread of The Gospel to all nations. His text is 2 Corinthians 4:7-18.
Classic Hymns Praise Chapel — 1/16/2025
Today's chapel is a Praise Chapel of classic hymns, led by Mrs. Beth Porter and Dr. Louima Lilite.
God Saves Us to Send Us — 1/15/2025
Today's speaker is Shane Pruitt, National Director of Next Gen Evangelism for the North American Mission Board. Mr. Pruitt teaches from 2 Corinthians 5:17–20 that since we are a new creation, we have a ministry, we have a message, and we have a means to share the message of reconciliation.
What You Believe About Jesus Matters — 1/14/2025
Today's speaker is Shane Pruitt, National Director of Next Gen Evangelism for the North American Mission Board. Speaking from Colossians 1:15-20, Mr. Pruitt proclaims the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things, and declares that He is worthy of our worship.
Every Single Word: Joshua 10:16-12:24 — 1/13/2025
Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White declares from Joshua 10:16-12:24 that God will be victorious, and we can emulate Joshua’s strong and courageous faith.
SGA Chapel - 1/10/2025 — 1/10/2025
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. SGA Chaplain Trey Storr teaches from Psalm 46 that the Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
The Destiny of the Church and Our Part in It — 1/9/2025
Today's GO Conference speaker is Dr. Stephen Dye, Associate Vice President of Christian Ministries at Cedarville University. Dr. Dye proclaims that the future of the church will be an eternal community of the redeemed from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation in worship of the triune God. His text is Revelation 19:6-9; 22:17.
The Manifold Wisdom of God — 1/9/2025
This evening's GO Conference speaker is Dr. Matt Bennett, Associate Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Bennett teaches from Ephesians 3 that God's purposes are realized in Christ, God's wisdom is revealed through the church, and God's church has been released into His world.