The Manifold Wisdom of God — 1/9/2025
This evening's GO Conference speaker is Dr. Matt Bennett, Associate Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Bennett teaches from Ephesians 3 that God's purposes are realized in Christ, God's wisdom is revealed through the church, and God's church has been released into His world.
The Advance of The Gospel: Acts 13:1-3; 14:26 — 1/8/2025
Today's GO Conference speaker is Dr. Josh Bowman, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Bowman looks at the mission of God, in which He calls sinners to worship Him for His glory, using the church to send laborers to proclaim the Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Dr. Bowman's text is Acts 13:1-3 and 14:26.
Christmas Chapel — 12/6/2024
Celebrate the birth of our Lord with our annual Christmas Chapel led by the Department of Music at Cedarville University.
SGA Cozy Christmas — 12/5/2024
During this special Student Government Association chapel, Chaplain Trey Storr declares that Jesus is Emmanuel -- God with us. Also, Andrew Gillett and the SGA Band treat us to some wonderful songs of Christmas.
The Unstoppable Word of God - Acts 12 — 12/4/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Billy Marsh, Director of MDiv Programs and Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Marsh declares that neither evil opposition, nor human limitation, will stop the Word of God from accomplishing the saving plan of God in its spread to the ends of the earth. His text is Acts 12. This message is part of the series entitled "Acts: The Advance of The Gospel".
Every Single Word: Joshua 10:1-15 — 12/3/2024
Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Joshua 10, Dr. White teaches that our view of God is too small, so we must respond with a passionate pursuit of the Almighty.
Thanksgiving Praise Chapel — 11/26/2024
Today's chapel is a Thanksgiving Praise Chapel led by Cedarville University's Worship Department.
The Advance of The Gospel: Acts 10:1-48 — 11/25/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Jon Wood, Vice President for Student Life & Christian Ministries at Cedarville University. Dr. Woods points us to the overwhelming grace of God in providing salvation to both Jews and Gentiles. His text is Acts 10:1-48.
A Patient is a Person No Matter How Small — 11/22/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. William Lile, who is a board-certified obstetrician, gynecologist, and founder of Dr. Lile declares the value of every human life, and describes incredible surgeries that can be performed in utero to save unborn babies.
SGA Chapel - 11/21/2024 — 11/21/2024
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. SGA Chaplain Trey Storr continues his series entitled "The Names of God", focusing on Jehovah Nissi in Exodus 17. He teaches that we are dependent on our God and godly community to glorify the Lord on the earth.
The Anatomy of Jehoshaphat's Folly — 11/20/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Mark Leeds, Associate Vice President for Academics and Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Leeds looks at the life of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 18:1-19:4, and cautions us against passivity, folly, and disobedience.
One Thing You Still Lack — 11/19/2024
Today's speaker is Erik Spohr, Lead Pastor at Centerville Christian Fellowship in Centerville, Ohio. Pastor Spohr looks at the story of the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18-30, and shares the tragic misunderstanding he had, and the unexpected warning and eternal promise that Jesus gave.
Every Single Word: Joshua 9 — 11/18/2024
Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White teaches from Joshua 9 that we must trust in the Lord and not our own understanding.
The Advance of The Gospel: Acts 9:1-22 — 11/15/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Greg Couser, Senior Professor of Bible and Greek at Cedarville University. Speaking from Acts 9:1-22, Dr. Couser looks at Paul's conversion and call, and encourages us never to get over the miracle of our salvation.
Praise Chapel - "God's Provision" — 11/14/2024
Today's Praise Chapel is led by the Worship Practicum Class at Cedarville University, focusing on God's provision of our salvation, our forgiveness, and our future.
Jacob and the Faithfulness of God — 11/13/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Tom Mach, Vice President for Academics and Chief Academic Officer at Cedarville University. Dr. Mach encourages us with the truth that our failures in the past do not determine what God can do with us in the future.
Standing on the Promises of God: Suffering with Courageous Joy — 11/12/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Will Smallwood, Vice President for Advancement at Cedarville University. Dr. Smallwood shares his personal story of battling cancer, and reminds us from Philippians 1:18b-21 that even in our darkest hour, we can rest in God's promises and faithfulness.
Veterans Day Chapel — 11/11/2024
Today's chapel is our annual Veterans Day chapel led by Cedarville University's Music Department.
Every Single Word: Joshua 8:1-35 — 11/8/2024
Today's CU Friday chapel speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White continues his series in the Book of Joshua entitled "Every Single Word", speaking from chapter 8. Dr. White teaches that God’s promise of never-ending mercy provides hope to pursue new victories.
Be the Church by Helping People — 11/7/2024
Today's speaker is Dr. Alan Brumback, Lead Pastor of First Naples Church in Naples, FL. Pastor Brumback gives a challenge from Matthew 9:35-38, which provides a foundation for being the church where we live, work and play, by pointing us to both the reality of lostness, and the opportunity of a lifetime.