One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

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SGA Chapel - 11/21/2024 — 11/21/2024 10:00 AM

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. SGA Chaplain Trey Storr continues his series entitled "The Names of God", focusing on Jehovah Nissi in Exodus 17. He teaches that we are dependent on our God and godly community to glorify the Lord on the earth.


Victory Through Prayer and Dependence on God

In Exodus 17:8–16, we see God’s faithfulness on full display as Israel faces an unexpected attack from the Amalekites. This passage reminds us of the power of prayer, the necessity of dependence on God and community, and the importance of proclaiming God as our banner.

A Battle Plan of Dependence

When the Amalekites attacked, Israel was weary and vulnerable, wholly dependent on God for their survival (Exodus 17:8; Deuteronomy 25:17–18). Moses devised a battle plan that was both practical and spiritual. Joshua would lead the troops into battle while Moses interceded on their behalf, lifting the staff of God. This strategy raises a critical question for us: What is our battle plan in times of need? Is our first instinct to fight in our own strength, or do we run to the Lord in prayer? Daily, we must prioritize seeking the Lord for wisdom and strength, as Scripture encourages:

  • “This is easy in the Lord’s sight” (2 Kings 3:18).
  • “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Executing the Plan

As the battle unfolded, Moses’ raised hands symbolized dependence on God. When his hands grew weary, Aaron and Hur supported him, ensuring continual prayer and victory (Exodus 17:10–13).

This highlights two vital principles:

  1. The Power of Prayer: Through prayer, we fight alongside God’s work, exalting Him and trusting His strength.
  2. The Need for Community: Moses couldn’t sustain the battle alone. Like him, we need others to come alongside us in prayer and encouragement.

As we pray for ourselves and others, we echo the psalmist’s cry: “Search me, God, and know my heart … Lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23–24).

A Memorial to the Lord

After the victory, Moses built an altar and named it Yahweh Nissi — “The Lord is my Banner” (Exodus 17:15). This new name of God reminds us that He fights for us and calls us to make Him known. When the Lord is our banner, His presence becomes visible to others. The Gospel should flow naturally from our lips as we testify to His goodness and power.

Action Steps

  1. Cry out to God in prayer. Acknowledge your need for Him in every situation.
  2. Pray for others. The best way to love others is through prayer.
  3. Carry the Lord as your banner, proclaiming His faithfulness boldly.

Victory comes not through our strength but through dependence on God. Let us trust in Him, support one another, and proclaim His glory to the world.