
  1. Marketing Style Guide
  2. Introduction
  3. Details
  4. Appendix A: Official Names
  5. Appendix B: Grammar

Cedarville University Style Guide

Cedarville University strives to maintain a consistent image through all its printed and online materials.
After following the guidelines in this style guide for Cedarville-specific rulings, follow the guidelines given
in The Associated Press Stylebook (AP) and the spellings provided in Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
If AP or Webster gives more than one acceptable style or spelling on a particular matter, use the preferred
treatment, which is usually listed first.

The order for editing and proofreading decisions for all Cedarville materials should be as follows:

  1. Cedarville University Style Guide (this document)
  2. The Associated Press Stylebook
  3. Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

Style guides are by nature living documents that occasionally need to be updated.
Email with any questions concerning usage or any ideas for consideration.