Why Do Alumni Send Their Students to Cedarville?
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
What makes Cedarville alumni want to send their children to Cedarville? For Cathy Exline, a Cedarville
1995 elementary education graduate, it can be summed up in one word: excellence.
Cathy found that her Cedarville experience prepared her well for the challenges of classroom teaching. "When I began my first position teaching fifth grade, my colleagues and I would chat about our college experiences," she explained. "I found that I was much more prepared to be in the classroom than other new teachers because Cedarville required and provided many more field experiences in actual classrooms. That hands-on experience allowed me to go into my first few years more confident and prepared."
Now, years later, Cathy’s daughter, Cayla, is finishing her junior year at Cedarville as a communication major. "Of course, I wanted her to choose Cedarville," Cathy shared, "but I knew it would have to be her choice." Cayla chose Cedarville after exploring several other Christian universities.
"When we visited Cedarville, I was pleasantly surprised that many things have changed since I attended," Cathy said, referencing things like relaxed dress code and rules and new facilities. "But one thing that did not change was Cedarville's commitment to excellence in all they do."
"I was pleased with her decision to choose Cedarville and I am excited about all the opportunities she will receive." Cathy explained.
Whatever the major, Cedarville University is equipping students with experiences that enrich their academically excellent, biblically integrated coursework.
P.S. If your student has been accepted to Cedarville for fall 2021, there is still time to pay the deposit to reserve his or her place. But don't wait ... deposits are already at an all-time high! Students who deposit after the May 1 deadline may be placed on a waitlist.
Posted in Academics Admissions Spiritual Growth Why Christ Centered Higher Education
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