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Business Ethics and a Christian Worldview

Business Ethics and a Christian Worldview

We live in a time when ethics in business are sorely lacking. You don’t have to look far in the news to find stories of fraud or unscrupulous behavior.

  • What is the definition of business ethics?
  • For that matter, what do we mean by ethics in general? 

Simply put, the definition of ethics is the study of what is morally right or wrong. But what does it mean to have Christian ethics in business? As Christians, we are called to a higher standard: We should seek to go beyond what is just morally right to biblical ethics, behaving in such a way that the Bible requires. As Christians, our business ethics are framed by our worldview and should be an outpouring of living out our faith.

In a lecture titled "Definition of Ethics and Its Relationship to Worldview," Cedarville University professor Dr. John Tarwater explores how business ethics from a Christian perspective is framed by worldview issues.

The Cedarville University School of Business is equipping undergraduate and graduate students with business excellence from a distinctly Christian worldview, including Bachelor of Arts in Management and online Master of Business Administration with five in-demand concentrations.

Posted in MBA

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