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Top 8 Reasons to Pursue an Athletic Training Career

Top 8 Reasons to Pursue an Athletic Training Career

Students watching athletic training professor demonstrate procedure.The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the number of athletic trainer jobs to grow by 17% by 2031 and projects 2,500 new openings each year on average. So why should YOU pursue this field? Here are the top 8 reasons you should consider an exciting athletic training career.

  1. You Love Sports – Whether you were a serious competitor or a serious fan, if you love sports, why not pursue a field that revolves around your passion?
  2. You Want to Make a Difference – Athletic trainers are like the guardian angels of the sports world. They're the ones who rush on the field when an athlete gets injured. They're also experts on injury prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation. And knowing that you're the one making a significant difference in an athlete's life – helping them recover faster and get back to doing what they love – is incredibly rewarding.
  3. You Like Solving Problems – Being an athletic trainer is like solving a never-ending puzzle. Each athlete comes with a unique set of challenges, and it's your job to find the best way to address them. Whether it's coming up with a customized rehab plan or finding the right taping technique to provide support, you’ll get to be creative and innovative as you find solutions.
  4. You Like Building Relationships – As an athletic trainer, you're not just treating injuries; you're building relationships. Athletes and their trainers often share a close bond. You'll provide physical and emotional support through the highs and lows of sports.
  5. You Like Variety – Every day in the life of an athletic trainer is different. One day you might be working with an injured soccer player and the next, you're helping a swimmer train for a big meet. The variety of experiences keeps the job fresh and exciting, and you'll always be learning something new.
  6. You Like to Learn – The field of sports medicine is constantly evolving. New research, techniques, and technologies are emerging all the time. As an athletic trainer, you'll have the chance to stay at the forefront of these developments, honing your skills and knowledge to continually learn and improve.
  7. You Like to Work as a Team – Athletic trainers are part of a larger team. You won’t just work with athletes but also alongside coaches, doctors, and physical therapists. Together, you're all striving for the same goal: helping athletes perform at their best.
  8. You Like That Winning Feeling – There's an immense sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you played a key role in getting an athlete back on the field or helping them reach their peak performance.

Athletic training is a career path that's challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rooted in the love for sports. If you share that passion and have a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of athletes, then this might just be the perfect role for you.

Cedarville University offers a Master of Athletic Training degree (MAT) that prepare exceptional athletic trainers who serve with Christlike compassion. Cedarville also offers an accelerated BA in sport medicine + MAT 5-year option.

Posted in Athletic Training Master of Athletic Training

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