One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

What It Takes to Be an Engineer

What It Takes to Be an Engineer

Of all the college students who start out studying engineering, around 50% will change their major at some point during their college experience. It’s not for everyone. Engineering is a tough discipline and requires a specific skill set and personality.

So, what does it take to become an engineer? There are three key traits that engineers must have, each gifted from God:

  • Think abstractly
  • Have a passion to be an engineer
  • Self-control in using time

In a lecture titled "What It Takes to Be an Engineer," Cedarville University professor Dr. Larry Zavodney introduces students to what is required of a Christian engineer.


The Cedarville University School of Engineering and Computer Science Christian engineering programs equip students with the knowledge and skills to be successful engineers who honor Jesus Christ in their field.

Students can choose:

Posted in Engineering and Computer Science

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