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Pharmacists & COVID-19: Faculty to Help Lead Virtual Symposium

by Nicole Hackett, Student Public Relations Writer

Nkafu EtchiCedarville University School of Pharmacy faculty and students will help lead the annual Ohio Pharmacy Advocacy Symposium, to be held virtually on September 25.

This year’s theme is “COVID and the Pharmacist” and will include discussions about pharmacists serving more and more in primary care provider roles in agreements with doctors’ offices, adopting best practices in managing COVID-19 patients, managing critical drug shortages and adapting to changes in state and federal law.

The annual symposium is an opportunity for legislators and pharmacists to meet to discuss the growing role of the pharmacist in responding to public health emergencies.

Dr. Zach Jenkins"The world of health care is rapidly evolving, and the current pandemic has only served to further catalyze this,” explained Dr. Zachary Jenkins, associate professor of pharmacy practice and a leading infectious disease expert in Ohio. “Through our students’ participation in this symposium, they will learn how to advocate for their profession, how to identify emerging opportunities and how to become part of the solution to unanticipated challenges in health care.”

Jenkins will assist in facilitating discussions. Nkafu Etchi, a second-year professional pharmacy student from Columbus, Ohio, will participate on the student panel.

“Students are the future of pharmacy,” said Etchi. “We have important perspectives on recent initiatives, such as provider status and COVID-19, as many of these could change our responsibility as pharmacists as a whole. I wanted to participate because I am a future Christian pharmacist, so I can share how this pandemic will impact our careers as Christian pharmacists.”

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,550 undergraduate, graduate and online students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, including its Doctor of Pharmacy program, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and high student engagement ranking. For more information about Cedarville University, visit

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