One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Logan, Landon, Lauren, and Lucas Clark

Clark Quadruplets Winging Their Way to Cedarville, One Way or Another

by Clem Boyd, Communication Content Manager

Lucas, Logan, Landon, and Lauren ClarkFor the Clark quadruplets, three of four are spreading their wings as Yellow Jackets this fall.

Lucas, Landon and Lauren Clark from Mount Washington, Kentucky, will be part of the Cedarville University class of 2025. They start their freshman year this fall and will move in August 13 during Getting Started Weekend.

The remaining quad, Logan, is spreading his wings in a different way as he begins studies in aviation this fall at Eastern Kentucky University. More about Logan in a minute.

The Clark quads first became aware of Cedarville through their sister, Lindsey, who graduated this year with a bachelor’s degree in allied health. Her career goal is to become a physician assistant.

“Through Lindsey, we’ve been able to visit campus a lot,” Lauren commented, when all four were at Cedarville this summer for a student life camp. “Cedarville has a spot in our hearts.”

As the four reached the end of their high school studies – all four were homeschooled – Cedarville was on their minds.

“Over the last few years, people would ask, ‘Where are you going to school?’ or ‘What schools are you looking at,’ but for all four of us, Cedarville was the top of our lists. Where else would we go?”

“We’ve grown up in a Christian family,” added Landon. “Our dad’s a pastor. These are the most influential years of our lives, and we wanted to spend this time growing in Christ, and we know we can do that here at Cedarville.”

Lucas echoed Landon’s sentiments. “First and foremost, they speak on the word of God in the classroom and also preach it faithfully in chapel every day,” he said. “We felt like Cedarville will challenge us in our faith and continue to help us grow in our faith.”

Those are encouraging words for Jason and Tina Clark. “Cedarville was an easy decision for our family,” noted Jason, senior pastor at First Baptist Church Mt. Washington, about a half-hour south of Louisville. “Our daughter Lindsey graduated in May, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the education and discipleship she received. We hope they will continue to grow in their faith and commitment to Christ, develop godly friendships and maybe even meet their future spouses at Cedarville.”

“For so long our kids have filled our home with joy and activity,” he continued. “It is going to be a big adjustment not having them around. At the same time, we celebrate the young men and women they have become and look forward with great anticipation how God is going to use them in his kingdom.”

The quads were also attracted to Cedarville because professors incorporate biblical concepts amid rigorous professional training. That training has led Cedarville to a three-year average placement rate of 97.9%, according to data from the Career Services Benchmark Survey Report by the National Association of Colleges & Employers. The NACE report tracks how many students are in graduate school or employed within six months of commencement.

“God has given me a talent in mathematics, and mechanical engineering is one of the top programs at Cedarville,” Landon said. “I’m excited to start learning about my profession, and what it will be like in the real world. I know Cedarville really tries to prepare you for that.”

“I want to be prepared to use the skills God’s given me in the workplace,” Lauren said, who plans to study business management with a concentration in human resources. “I value the experience of the business professors, and I’m confident God is going to use Cedarville to prepare me to work for him and his kingdom.”

Lauren added, “When we made our official visit, the professors were so interested in my life. They prayed with us and were willing to eat lunch with us. I thought, ‘If they’re already taking that much time with me, they’ll be here for me throughout my four years; they’re going to be engaged.’”

In fact, the Wall Street Journal/Time Higher Education poll has ranked Cedarville second for student engagement among all U.S. colleges and universities.

Lucas will major in worship at Cedarville and then pursue a master’s degree in a Bible-related discipline.  

“I could pursue a number of areas – engineering, nursing, medicine – but I just felt that God had blessed me with a gift, and he could use me in ministry for his glory,” he said. “Over the past six months, he has continued to stir that desire within me.”

Logan longed to join his siblings at Cedarville, but an aviation major is not available currently.

“I wanted to be here with other Christians, hear the Bible incorporated into classes and develop my biblical worldview,” he explained. “But I’ll trust in the roots that my parents have developed in me, the faith that I have in God and his ability to hold me fast.”

“Honestly, it’s sad that Logan will not be joining us here in the fall, but we also understand the Lord has a plan in his life. He’s got great things for Logan, but we are definitely going to miss him.”

“We really love each other dearly, and we want to be alongside each other,” Lucas affirmed. “I guarantee we’ll be calling each other several times a week to talk about what God’s doing in our lives and what he may be leading us to do with our lives.”

Logan added, “I’ll be up to visit. And maybe I’ll come back to Cedarville and start an aviation program.”

Sounds like Logan might yet grow some Yellow Jacket wings after all.

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,550 undergraduate, graduate, and online students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio, recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation, and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings, and high student engagement ranking. For more information about the University, visit

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