by Caroline Tomlinson, Communications Content Manager
Just three months after celebrating its 126th commencement, Cedarville University prepares to welcome the largest group of students this fall. An estimated 1,270 new students are expected to move into their residence hall during the annual Getting Started
weekend August 19-21. Cedarville is projecting its 13th consecutive record enrollment, but the official enrollment will not be released until after Labor Day.
The majority of new students move into their residence halls on Friday. Fall Bible Conference begins the academic year on Monday, Aug. 22. The first day of classes is Wednesday, Aug. 25.
Getting Started Weekend is Cedarville’s orientation program that is the incoming students’ first impression of Cedarville’s campus and student body.
Moving into their residence hall is just the beginning for incoming students. Brian Burns, director of campus experience, and his campus experience team have designed the entire weekend to welcome and acclimate students to their 1,000 days as Cedarville University students.
Prior to COVID-19, Getting Started Weekend was marked by standing in long lines in the Doden Field House to get your room key, have your ID photo taken, and learn all things Cedarville. One benefit of COVID has been the campus experience team streamlining the move-in process for students and families. Now, when students come to campus, the entire registration process is done electronically without leaving their cars.
When the student arrives at their residence hall, they are greeted by the university’s campus experience team who take the students’ boxes and items to the residence hall room.
“It’s the almost 500 sting leaders, the countless RAs that do their job, the Getting Started directors, the students working in the dining hall — those people make Getting Started what it is,” said Burns. “Getting Started Weekend is all about students serving students to welcome them home and acclimate them to this new stage of life.”
Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,715 undergraduate, graduate and high school dual-enrolled students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and high student engagement ranking. For more information about the University, visit