One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Allison Craft, Student Public Relations Writer

Most often actors take center stage in a theatrical production, but they are just one part of a collaborative effort to bring a story to life through the smallest of details.  

Keely Heyl, a 2013 graduate of Cedarville University who majored in theatre, is a master of the details. After graduating from Cedarville, she received a master’s degree in production design and technology from Ohio University and has worked to develop her craft in theatres across the country. 

As an accomplished professional in the areas of properties and scenery, Heyl is helping bring Cedarville University's fall production of “The Secret Garden” to life in her role as the designer and creator of specialty puppets. 

Secret Garden graphic 858The play adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel, “The Secret Garden,” calls for the use of animal puppets. Stacey Stratton, associate professor of theatre and director of the production, wanted the puppets to contribute to the atmosphere of sanctuary which the garden provides for the play’s characters. To make this happen, Heyl crafted the puppets with an ethereal quality, making them look as if they are living stained glass while still being recognizable as animals.  

The puppets are special because they bring a sense of whimsy and mystery to the show, but also because they are alumni-created.  

“Keely’s contribution to these puppets has given students a great glimpse into another avenue of the professional industry that might interest them,” said Stratton.  

Having Heyl work on the show allowed students to experience working with a professional properties artisan, providing them with a glimpse into another possible career in theatre.  

Heyl was impressed with the students who were cast as the show’s puppeteers, recognizing their professionalism and excellence. 

“They were quick to pick up a puppet and start playing with it. They weren’t afraid to jump in and try new things,” said Heyl. The experience impacted both Heyl and the students, connecting them through their love of theatre. 

Talent will fill every corner of “The Secret Garden,” allowing the audience to fully experience the transformative message of the show. Theatergoers will be drawn in as they observe how love and kindness can transform a person not just emotionally but physically and spiritually. 

Stratton remarks that the play is about “the transformation that happens when love and kindness enter a life at a time when one might be in the darkest, most despairing times.” 

Through the message of transformation, the audience will be reminded that it is never too late for change to enter in and take a person’s life to places they have never imagined. 

The show will run from October 3–13 in The DeVries Theatre of Cedarville University. Tickets are on sale now.  

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is a Baptist university with undergraduate programs in arts, sciences, and professional programs, and graduate programs. With an enrollment of 6,384 students in 175 areas of study, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio and is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, including its Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, and high graduation and retention rates. For more information about the University, visit

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