One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Allison Craft, Student Public Relations Writer

Excellence in biblical education is available to everyone through Cedarville University’s Bible Minor Project. For the past 71 years, every Cedarville graduate has completed a required Bible minor as part of their general education requirements. Now, this biblical education is available to anyone — including parents, school groups and churches — without a financial cost. 

The Bible Minor Project includes all of Cedarville’s five Bible minor courses, including Bible and the Gospel; Old and New Testament Literature; Theology I; and Theology II. The first course in the series, Bible and the Gospel, teaches the proper interpretation of the Bible, while the remaining courses dive into the books of the Bible and theology.  Both theology courses cover a range of topics including God, creation, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, sin and salvation.   

In addition to the videos, online resources are available that allow individuals and groups to participate in projects and discussions like those Cedarville students engage in in the classroom.  

Each of the five online courses is taught by faculty within Cedarville’s School of Biblical and Theological Studies.  Dr. Trent Rogers, dean of the school of biblical and theological studies and associate professor of New Testament and Greek, teaches the Bible and the Gospel course, while Dr. Chris Miller, senior professor of biblical studies, provides instruction in Old Testament. Dr. Michael McKay, director of the Online Masters Programs in the SBTS and associate professor of biblical theology, is the instructor for the New Testament course, and Dr. Jeremy Kimble, professor of theology and director of the Synergy Initiative, teaches both theology courses. These professors are devoted Bible faculty who bring nearly 90 years of combined teaching experience to the Bible Minor Project. 

According to Dr. Rogers, “participants in the Bible Minor Project can expect clear biblical teaching intended to shape the way we think about God and the world. Participants will be challenged to live out the Bible in their own lives, families, churches, and careers.”  

While the courses are all at a college level, no college credit is offered through the online initiative.  

Dr. Michael McKay with Bible 858The five courses will challenge Bible Minor Project users to dive deeper into Scripture and think critically about theological topics. The rigorous course materials presented by exceptional professors have long contributed to the success of students in various careers as they have built on the foundation of a biblical worldview. 

With the online accessibility of the Bible Minor Project, Cedarville University and its School of Biblical and Theological Studies are striving to serve people and engage parents. 

Dr. Rogers wants parents, both prospective and current, to have access to the Bible courses that their students are taking. He wants current Cedarville parents to have Bible discussions with their students concerning what they are studying. And for prospective parents, he wants them to be able to see for themselves how Cedarville consistently teaches the Bible in the classroom. 

The Bible minor ensures all students across majors and backgrounds are able to understand and retain biblical principles while living them out in their families, churches and careers. The Bible Minor Project allows everyone to join Cedarville’s students in the pursuit of that life-changing knowledge. 

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is a Baptist university with undergraduate programs in arts, sciences, and professional programs, and graduate programs. With an enrollment of 6,384 students in 175 areas of study, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio and is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, including its Bible minor, and high graduation and retention rates. For more information about the University, visit

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