One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations

Excellence in effort is one of the core values at Cedarville University, so it is no surprise that three faculty and staff members received the 2023-24 Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) Excellence Award. 

SOCHE is the regional leader for higher collaboration, engaging with colleges, universities and industry to transform the economy through the education and employment of nearly 200,000 students in southwest Ohio. The organization recognizes the importance of acknowledging the outstanding faculty and staff of its 22 member institutions by presenting awards in three categories: Faculty Excellence, Staff Excellence and Campus Impact. 

Cedarville University SOCHE Award recipients this year are Dr. J. Michael McKay, associate professor of biblical theology, Tom Betcher, director of assessment and accreditation services and Rod Johnson, associate vice president of operations. 

Michael McKay portrait 858The Faculty Excellence Award was presented to McKay, who teaches undergraduate and graduate level classes, including sections in four of the five Bible minor courses. He consistently receives exceptional student evaluations and is applauded by those in his classes for his clarity in teaching and helpful course designs. 

Nearly three years ago, McKay suffered a life-threatening aortic dissection that required emergency surgery. According to the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection, less than 33% of individuals with this condition survive the first 24 hours. McKay was back teaching three months later.  

In addition to his work in the classroom, McKay serves as the director of online graduate Bible programs, is recognized regionally and nationally as a scholar by professional societies and continues to contribute published works in his field of expertise.  

Tom Betcher portrait 858Betcher received the Staff Excellence Award for his support of Cedarville’s academic division. Betcher ensures that every academic program meets and exceeds the requirements to receive and maintain accreditation.  

He directs and assists faculty members in completing documents critical for ongoing programmatic assessment. Betcher’s work is of the utmost importance to the Cedarville community, but it does not often give students the opportunity to interact with him. Air Force and Army ROTC students, however, enjoy a relationship with him as the campus liaison for those programs. 

The final honor, the Campus Impact Award, is presented to a member of the campus community who has positively impacted the school. Johnson is the recipient this year.  

Rod Johnson portrait 858Johnson, as associate vice president of operations, provides oversight for the development and maintenance of all campus facilities. Arguably, no one on campus does more to directly impact the student experience at Cedarville. 

Under Johnson’s leadership, the campus is in stellar condition. His efforts are often recognized by campus visitors who say all the buildings look new, even though many are well-aged. The campus grounds are continuously well-groomed and attractive due to Johnson’s diligence.  

It is also Johnson’s hard work that aids in the development of new housing, dining options, academic spaces, outdoor living areas and athletic facilities.  

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors to Cedarville University enjoy a safe, healthy and beautiful campus because of the tireless investments of Rod Johnson. 

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