One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations


Energetic, enthusiastic, and excitable are top job qualifications for university athletic mascots. Jonathan Wu fit those descriptions as a college student in the mid 1990s.

Jonathan brought Cedarville University’s “Bee” to life from 1994–98, long before Stinger was officially named in 2017. He danced, cheered, and electrified the crowd at basketball games, and his outgoing personality helps him today as he builds relationships wherever he goes.

Jonathan Wu surfing with kid on his shoulders 858Jonathan’s vibrant persona and gift for connecting with people has taken him around the world as an educator. Get to know Jonathan and be encouraged by how he is using his energy for Kingdom work on the Cedarville Stories Podcast.

While studying mechanical engineering at Cedarville, Jonathan joined other students on a short-term trip to China to teach English. Those few weeks planted seeds in Jonathan's heart that changed his life. Not only did the experience influence his current vocation, but he also met his wife, Rachel, on that trip. From there, the sparks of a lifetime calling to international work began to glow.

Since then, his spark for reaching people through teaching and building relationships has become a blaze. Jonathan moved his family to Asia more than a decade ago. There, he continues to teach while recruiting and mentoring recent college graduates through the Global Ambassador Program. 

Learn more about the joys of building cross-cultural relationships, the challenges of international living, and the excitement of seeing people find hope as Jonathan tells his Cedarville Story.


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