One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Benjamin Konuch, Student Public Relations Writer

While it is not uncommon for siblings to attend the same university, it is rare to have four siblings attending the same college at the same time. That is the case for Jared, Caleb and twins Lily and Grace Wilcox, who are enrolled at Cedarville University in Ohio — more than 900 miles from their home in Owasso, Oklahoma. 

The Wilcox siblings embark on this new journey on Friday, Aug. 16, when they move into their residence halls at Cedarville University in preparation for the 2024–25 academic year. Classes begin on Wednesday, Aug. 21.  

Their journey to Cedarville is one of faith and conviction. 

Wilcox FamilyTheir Christian faith has always been central to the Wilcox family, especially after Phil Wilcox, the father of the four children, was forced to retire from his firefighter position after he sustained serious injuries. As a result, the family developed a greater bond among themselves and a confidence in how God would lead and sustain them through this hardship. 

So, when it was time for Jared to pursue a college degree in special education, he spent hours researching his options before selecting Cedarville University. In subsequent years, Caleb and twins Lily and Grace followed the same research method as their oldest brother. Although they had different criteria for their desired college destinations, each one came to the same conclusion— Cedarville University was the best option. 

This weekend, Lily and Grace will enroll as first-year students. They will join Jared, now a senior, and Caleb, a junior majoring in chemistry. Lily and Grace plan on majoring in education.  

From their research, what stood out about Cedarville University was the university’s commitment to a biblical worldview in all their courses—something they embraced from their studies at home, taught by their mother, Jennifer. "We homeschooled our kids and taught everything from a Biblical worldview. My prayer had always been that after our role in their education was finished, that they would seek that Biblical worldview wherever they pursued higher education.”      

The Wilcox siblings’ decision to attend Cedarville is an answer to Jennifer and Phil’s prayers.  

“None of our kids decided to attend Cedarville for their siblings’ sake, but because they each did their own research that led them to Cedarville,” said Jennifer. “They all had their lists and spreadsheets of what mattered most to them. They looked at Cedarville’s doctrinal statements, campus life and academic information, and Cedarville kept passing every test for each of them.” 

When Jared began his college search, Cedarville could not have been further from his home—or his mind. Neither his parents nor any family were alumni, except for an aunt who attended Cedarville during the 1980s. The Wilcox family, originally from California, learned about Cedarville University through an Answers in Genesis resource that listed Cedarville as a Christian university that adheres to a literal six-day literal creation and stresses Biblical worldviews. 

“When I came to Cedarville, I was pursuing a degree in engineering and I thought I had everything planned out. Then God told me that everything I planned wasn’t right,” said Jared. “However, God changed my heart and mind, and I’m now pursuing a degree in education because I know I will be prepared to glorify God as a teacher equipped with a biblical worldview.” 

One year later, when it became Caleb’s time to attend college, Cedarville was his choice because of his desire to attend a school that would equip him to pursue a chemistry degree to prepare him for missionary service in environmental science.  

“Since I would be pursuing science, which is often heavily impacted by secular thinking, I knew I wanted a school that teaches from a Christian perspective,” said Caleb. “Cedarville offered that and also promised a really cool student life experience with residential housing communities and everyday chapel.”  

Heading into this year, the college decision-making process was more complicated for Lily and Grace. While their brothers were happy with their Cedarville decision, they still wanted the freedom to find their school and make their own path without any family or peer pressure.   

“At first, I wanted to go to a completely different college from my siblings and be on my own,” said Grace. “It would be fun to come back on holidays and share my own stories and be my own person with my own path, but I also knew I really wanted to go to a Christian college. Cedarville University just kept coming up at the top of every list.”  

As Lily and Grace knew they wanted to pursue education, Cedarville became a contender for many of the same reasons their brothers had previously cited. In the end, it was Jared’s experience and stories from Cedarville’s education department that tipped the scale.  

While the Wilcox siblings may not have chosen Cedarville to be with each other, they are excited for the 2024–25 academic year and the countless experiences that will lead to great family conversations with their parents in Oklahoma.  

“I remember when I first came to campus, Jared really helped me adjust and find my way around,” said Caleb. “I hope I can do that for Grace and Lily, and I hope I can be there when they need me. My siblings are my best friends.” 

With the largest ever freshman class moving onto Cedarville University’s campus in mid-August, the Wilcox family is making a big transition. While the siblings will continue having the same address at Cedarville University, their parents, Phil and Jennifer, are empty nesters for the first time, which may present the couple with new opportunities to serve on medical mission trips. 

“Now that we’re sending our kids out into the world, it’s not like we can just sit back and do nothing,” Jennifer added. “We want to seek what God has in store for us and how we can grow through this as well.” 

For the entire Wilcox family, the impending change is a mixture of excitement for the new and sadness to leave behind the old. Yet for each member, a deep-rooted faith in Jesus for their futures is their guide for the unchartered territory they begin exploring this year. 

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