One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations

Drawing from her personal journey and that of her daughter, Cedarville University graduate Alyson Punzi has written a book, “He Always Hears,” with the hope of teaching young children the value and importance of lament. The book is scheduled for release by Crossway in April and is focused on teaching children how to talk to God in times of hurt and loss. 

When college sweethearts Frank and Alyson Punzi married in 2018, they envisioned a life filled with joy as they raised a family and served Jesus with their gifts and abilities. 

Two years later, after the birth of their daughter, with both Alyson and Frank having finished degrees in Biblical Studies at Cedarville University, their plan was in motion and life was good. Frank was serving the Lord as an associate pastor, and their daughter brought smiles to their faces. 

In an instant, however, life took a dramatic turn. Vacationing in New Jersey, Alyson walked into their room to discover Frank, her 25-year-old husband, suffering from a severe stroke. In just a matter of weeks, Frank — who appeared to be healthy and vibrant — was diagnosed with cancer. 

Alyson’s life turned upside down without any notice, yet despite the pain, uncertainty, and grief that engulfed them, Frank and Alyson clung to their faith in God. Alyson shared their story on the Cedarville Stories Podcast, in the episodes “Learning to Lament” and “Telling God How Much Our Heart Hurts.”  

Throughout the testing and treatment, they found the strength to face a broken world through their trust in Jesus — all the way to Frank’s final breath. 

Instead of being consumed by grief or turning away from God in anger, Alyson focused on the unwavering strength of Christ and His love as sources of light in the darkness of her loss. Recognizing that grief would remain part of her life, she made the conscious decision to hold onto God as her constant and steadfast companion.  

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