One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations

While sitting in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), observing her newborn son and other premature babies fighting bravely for their lives, Melissa Gallagher was struck by the powerful truth the “these little ones were wonderfully made,” her words an echo of Psalm 139.

Melissa, who earned a degree in industrial and innovative design from Cedarville University, opens up about her own miracle child — Hudson — on the Cedarville Stories Podcast. Although there were challenging moments, Melissa and her family became cheerleaders for families dealing with the challenges of premature birth.

Melissa Gallagher with Wonderfully Made merchandise 858She learned how to embrace every small victory. In watching the tiniest babies achieve milestones in their struggle to survive, Melissa discovered how to inspire and uplift others who faced similar challenges to those she and Hudson encountered. Just seeing Hudson get swaddled for the first time sparked a brilliant idea.

Drawing from her education in design and entrepreneurship, her talent in watercolor art, and firsthand experience as a mother of a premature baby, she brought forth a new business, Wonderfully Made. This company is dedicated to creating swaddles and clothing with tailored watercolor art for the most delicate and precious infants.

Through this venture, her goal is to bring hope and encouragement through her personal story, shed light on the NICU journey, and spread optimism for life beyond the NICU.

Walk with Melissa through her experience and catch her infectious desire to encourage others as she tells her Cedarville Story.

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